Is ClearIAS prelims test series good?

Is ClearIAS prelims test series good?

The ClearIAS UPSC Prelims Online test series is really helpful. Unlike many other test series in the market, which deliberately put tough questions to scare students, ClearIAS questions focus on very basic topics that require greater introspection from the UPSC point of view.

Is ClearIAS good for UPSC preparation?

The TTT Approach by ClearIAS is an effective strategy to secure success in UPSC Civil Services Examination. The basic concept of this method is to use the right tools to get an edge over the competition. Without the proper tools, it is tough to succeed.

How good is ClearIAS test series Quora?

ClearIAS prelims test series is absolutely a good one for any aspirant who wishes to take mock exams. If you analyse the past 3 question papers of UPSC you could find that the prelims is becoming tougher. There are questions from unexpected areas and questions that are ambiguous as well in the UPSC paper.

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Is it necessary to buy test series?

As most of the exams are now conducted online, it is recommended that students must take test series online. Online test for bank and other exams are developed by best test providers in India. BuyTestSeries.com is one of the leading education brand in India.

How can I clear IAS prelims exam?

Step 4: Take ClearIAS Prelims Online Mock Exams Aspirants need a perfect practice of model exams of UPSC CSE Prelims to get adapted to the requirements of UPSC.

Which news channel should I watch for UPSC?

UPSC aspirants like you can watch Doordarshan news channel, Lok Sabha TV and Rajya Sabha TV news debates. In Lok Sabha, INSIGHT program where experts analyse current issues. In Rajya Sabha, THE BIG PICTURE programme News analysis by Experts. Al-Jazeera news channel for International Relation issues.

Is test series necessary for UPSC?

You must have to ensure that how strong your preparation is and that would be only possible through taking the IAS test series. So, taking the IAS test series is going to help you a lot by testing your preparation before actual exams.

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How good is clear IAS?

To clear the IAS Exam, aspirants are advised to have a long-term strategy. Though most of the serious candidates start preparation 9-12 months before the exam date, there are candidates who successfully achieve top ranks with only a few months of dedicated study.

What are the benefits of test series?

Improve Speed- Test series also provides ample amount of practice to the student, hence their speed of attempting questions increases automatically. Boost Confidence- It aids in improving performance and boosting confidence in students. It helps in driving away their exam fear and anxiety.

How good is the clearias UPSC prelims online test series?

The ClearIAS UPSC Prelims Online test series is really helpful. Questions are of UPSC standard. Unlike many other test series in the market, which deliberately put tough questions to scare students, ClearIAS questions focus on very basic topics that require greater introspection from the UPSC point of view.

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Are the questions in clearias Test series Tough?

Questions are of UPSC standard. Unlike many other test series in the market, which deliberately put tough questions to scare students, ClearIAS questions focus on very basic topics that require greater introspection from the UPSC point of view. Performance analysis, relative ranking, and comparison are very helpful.

Why clearias for IAS exam preparation?

ClearIAS has re-defined the preparation strategies for IAS Exam by developing a highly successful mock test series which integrates learning with test-taking . We focus on fast-learning through MCQs – based on a topnotch timetable – which in turn will help you increase your prelims marks by a big margin!

How to take clearias mock exams?

Get instant access to take ClearIAS online mock tests even at midnight. You may take our mock exams from a laptop, tablet or mobile. 40 Full-length prelims mock exams with timer and negative marking. High-quality questions are similar to UPSC standards which help you learn faster.