How is Varys described in the books?

How is Varys described in the books?

Appearance and Character Varys is a plump, bald, and effeminate eunuch. He has soft white hands. He powders his face and smells of lavender, lilacs, and rosewater. When at court, Varys wears rich silks, velvets, and damasks and soft slippers.

What does Varys want in the books?

And if Varys truly wants a Targaryen restoration, that means invasion. During his weekend getaway to Westeros, Illyrio urges Varys to slow down his push for war, because Khal Drogo won’t invade Westeros until his son is born, anyway (Arya overhears them plotting). Varys, meanwhile, wants Illyrio to speed up.

What do they call Varys in Game of Thrones?

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the Spider
The Spy With a Heart of Gold Varys, popularly known as the Spider, was the eunuch Master of Whisperers on the Baratheon small council until he was forced to flee King’s Landing with Tyrion Lannister.

How is Game of Thrones different from the books?

The Game of Thrones series’s storyline closely follows the story of George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire novels, but there are still some differences between books and series, especially in recent seasons.

What did Varys do to Shae in Game of Thrones?

Varys is a guest at the wedding of Sansa Stark and Tyrion Lannister. He stands with the rest of the Small Council near the feet of the Father’s statue. Varys later attends the wedding feast and can be seen speaking with Sansa as Tyrion has another confrontation with Tywin. Varys gives Shae a bribe of diamonds to leave.

What is the relationship between varys and Tyrion?

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Varys helps Tyrion to plan the defense of King’s Landing against an impending attack by King Stannis Baratheon. After both of them privately disparage Joffrey, Varys compliments Tyrion on his ability to play “the Game” and his effectiveness as Hand.

How old is Tommen Baratheon in Game of Thrones?

The Boy King, Tommen Baratheon, was the young age of 7 in A Game of Thrones – the first book in the A Song of Ice and Fire book series. He was 10 years old in season 1 of HBO’s Game of Thrones.