
How do I report a military man?

How do I report a military man?

Complaints of fraud, waste and abuse in the Department of Defense or any military service can be reported separately through a hotline that has been set up. Complaints can be called in Monday through Friday, 8am to 4pm EST, at 1-800-424-9098. You can also email your complaint.

How do military scams work?

To perpetrate this scam, the scammers take on the online persona of a current or former U.S. Soldier, and then, using photographs of a Soldier from the internet, build a false identity to begin prowling the web for victims. Never send money to someone claiming to be a Soldier!

Do deployed military personnel look for large sums of money?

Deployed military personnel do not find large sums of money and do not need your help to get that money out of the country. You can avoid being taken for a ride by a military scam artist by practicing a few easy habits.

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Can I help military personnel get money out of the country?

Military financial offices are not used to help military personnel buy or sell items of any kind. Member of the military deployed to combat zones do not need to solicit money from the public to feed or house their troops. Deployed military personnel do not find large sums of money and do not need your help to get that money out of the country.

How do military widows find women on social media?

Most of the scammers are based in Nigeria or elsewhere in Africa. They take pictures of active service men and use them to create fake profiles. Once the profile is complete, they find women on social media who are either military widows or single women looking for romantic connections.

Can you trust someone in the military you meet online?

Though you would want to think that you can trust a member of the Armed Forces that you meet online, the fact is that there is no way to verify who you’re talking to unless you meet face to face. In fact, as you’ll learn later on, meeting face to face is one of the best ways to catch a scammer. Could you be a victim of a Military romance scam?