Tips and tricks

How many blog posts are published per day?

How many blog posts are published per day?

7.5 million blog posts
1. 7.5 million blog posts are published every day. There is the frequently asked question — how many blog posts are posted each day? According to the newest 2021 data, a staggering 7.5 million blog posts get published daily.

How do you get published on Huffington Post?

How to Pitch a Blog to Huffington Post

  1. Research, research, research.
  2. Summarize your story idea.
  3. Explain what makes you the right person to write the piece.
  4. Explain why this story is significant and what the stakes are.
  5. Create a framework of how the piece will begin and end.
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Who writes for the Huffington Post?

In March 2011, it was acquired by AOL for US$315 million, making Arianna Huffington editor-in-chief….HuffPost.

Type of site News aggregator, blog
Created by Arianna Huffington Kenneth Lerer Jonah Peretti Andrew Breitbart
Parent BuzzFeed
Commercial Yes

How does the Huffington Post make money?

Its revenue mainly comes through two sources — corporate clients in search of health and wellness tools, and sponsorships/online content. In January, HuffPost shuts down its platform of 100,000 unpaid bloggers. Instead, it launches two new sections — HuffPost Opinion and HuffPost Personal.

How many articles are published per day?

I recently came across a surprising statistic: The Post publishes an average of 1,200 stories, graphics, and videos per day.

How many new blogs are created every day?

4.4 million new blog posts are published every day across all platforms. WordPress blogs host 70 million new posts per month. 30\% of all bloggers around the world reside in the U.S. the number of U.S. bloggers amounted to 2 million.

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How does Huffington Post make money?

What is the purpose of HuffPost?

We aim to write for, and not just about, those left out of traditional power structures; to approach stories inclusively; and to serve a diverse audience with stories that matter to them.

Will the Huffington Post publish my article?

If you write a great article, The Huffington Post will definitely publish it! Some super helpful pointers that will help your article get accepted by HuffPost: The Huffington Post loves articles that are emotional, so write about personal experiences, feelings, and thoughts.

How many articles does the New York Times publish each day?

Let’s start with The New York Times. “ publishes roughly 150 articles a day (Monday-Saturday), 250 articles on Sunday and 65 blog posts per day,” said Danielle Rhoades Ha, a spokeswoman for the Times, in an email.

How many stories does the post publish per day?

I recently came across a surprising statistic: The Post publishes an average of 1,200 stories, graphics, and videos per day. That’s more than one story every two minutes. Could it possibly be true? A Post spokeswoman confirmed the number to me.

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What is the best way to write for the Huffington Post?

The Huffington Post loves articles that are emotional, so write about personal experiences, feelings, and thoughts. Stick to a tried-and-tested format, such as how-to and list posts. Use an eye-catching title.