
Why do I feel weird after watching a series?

Why do I feel weird after watching a series?

You experience a pseudo-addiction to the show because you develop cravings for dopamine.” According to Dr. Carr, the process we experience while binge watching is the same one that occurs when a drug or other type of addiction begins.

What is this feeling after watching anime?

This feeling of emptiness and emotional exhaustion suggests your subconscious needs to digest the story and the characters. At the least, it tells you that you’ve found a type of story that means something to you. Either case, the end-of-an-anime blues can be uncomfortable. Some fall into deep depression.

Is it OK to cry over an anime?

No matter how you choose to cry out the anime blues, the most important part of this step is to not hold it in. Holding back tears could risk the anime feels attacking later when you least expect it and/or at an extremely inopportune moment.

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Why is finishing a show so sad?

You were very much engrossed in the story of one or more of the characters and when the story is put to an end, you miss that character and his/her story; You still want to know more about the happenings or adventures of his/her life. Sometimes it happens that the show does not end at the note that you wanted it to.

Why am I crying over a show?

Research shows that becoming attached to television personalities can actually be healthy. “When you spend an hour every week with a person for an entire television season, they really do become a sort of friend—so it’s totally normal to feel upset over them.”

Why do I feel sad after watching anime?

Feeling sad after completion of anime happens because we get so much involved in whatever happening in front of us. We become a kind of ghost who is watching them doing something. So we have to occupy some other body (ie) activity in order to make ourself occupied. This is Human nature.

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What do you miss about watching anime?

You miss the way it gripped your attention and fanned your emotions. You can’t get the characters out of your mind. A good story will remain with you long after you finish it. The best stories will change your understanding of the world. And yes, anime can do that.

How do you let the characters of your anime influence you?

Well, what i can say is (what I’ve been trying to do) let the characters influence you in a positive way. Take naruto for example – cuz thats what I’ve been watching – i learn from naruto and i try to implement his actions into my life. I try to remind myself of my weaknesses and i strive to improve myself everyday.

Why do I feel empty after watching a TV series?

However, this can also leave you feeling a little depressed, a little emotionally overdrawn. It can leave you with an itch for more, and short of watching the series again, you may not be able to scratch it. This feeling of emptiness and emotional exhaustion suggests your subconscious needs to digest the story and the characters.

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