Tips and tricks

What is difference between elucidate and elaborate?

What is difference between elucidate and elaborate?

As verbs the difference between elucidate and elaborate is that elucidate is to make clear; to clarify; to shed light upon while elaborate is (used with” on ”when used with an object ) to give further detail or explanation (about).

What does it mean to elucidate something?

Full Definition of elucidate transitive verb. : to make lucid especially by explanation or analysis elucidate a text. intransitive verb.

What is the meaning explicate?

Definition of explicate transitive verb. 1 : to give a detailed explanation of. 2 : to develop the implications of : analyze logically.

What is the difference between elucidate?

“Elucidate” is certainly a close synonym of “explain”, but with a more specific meaning. It implies that the topic is currently dark and unclear (at least to your audience), but you will bring light to make it easily visible.

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How do you use elucidate?

elucidate (something) He elucidated a point of grammar. The aim of the report is to elucidate the main points of the new regulations….

  1. Occasionally I had to elucidate a point of law.
  2. She would not elucidate further.
  3. The exact details of the process have not yet been elucidated.

When to use elucidate in a sentence?

If you elucidate something, you make it clear and easy to understand. Haig went on to elucidate his personal principle of war. There was no need for him to elucidate.

What is an example of elucidate?

An example of elucidate is for a student to explain why he has been behaving oddly. To explain or clarify something. She gave a one-word answer and refused to elucidate any further. To make clear or plain, especially by explanation; clarify.

What is the synonym of elucidate?

Some common synonyms of elucidate are explain, explicate, expound, and interpret. While all these words mean “to make something clear or understandable,” elucidate stresses the throwing of light upon as by offering details or motives previously unclear or only implicit.

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How do you use explicate?

Explicate in a Sentence 🔉

  1. It took the chemist a long time to explicate the chemical process to the group of financial investors.
  2. If the auditor finds an error in the accounting records, the treasurer will need to explicate the mistake.

How do you use elucidate in a sentence?

Elucidate sentence example

  1. He gave himself out as an angel sent from God to elucidate the prophecies.
  2. More important still is the application of Semitic study to elucidate the Gospels.
  3. Blunt and C.
  4. He did not elucidate what was meant by a significant submission.

What is the example of elucidate?

Elucidate is defined as to make something clear. An example of elucidate is for a student to explain why he has been behaving oddly. To explain or clarify something. She gave a one-word answer and refused to elucidate any further.

How do you remember the word elucidate?

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for elucidate think of lucid, which means clear. 47 0. 5 3.