What does Thanks for your effort mean?

What does Thanks for your effort mean?

The generic would be “Thank you for your assistance.” But if an extraordinary amount of effort was expended by the other party you should go beyond using a stock phrase and do your best in your own words to express your gratitude.

How do you say you appreciate someone’s effort?

How to Appreciate Someone’s Effort and Care

  1. Say “thank you.”
  2. Tell them specifically what you appreciate.
  3. Express how their actions made you feel.
  4. Write an old-fashioned thank-you note.
  5. Give them a meaningful gift.
  6. Put in a good word for them with others.
  7. Organize a celebration in their honor.

How do you thank someone for their time and effort?

“Thank you for taking the time to interview me. I really appreciated getting to come into the office and experience the culture. I know you have a lot of great candidates, and I’m so happy to be up for consideration.” Many employers really appreciate it when candidates reach out after an interview.

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Which is correct effort or efforts?

Senior Member. The answer seems to be: effort is singular, efforts is plural.

How do you say thank you for your support?

Best Ways To Say ‘Thank You For Your Support

  1. Your support is gratifying. Thank you for your support.
  2. I highly appreciate you.
  3. Thank you for being there with your time.
  4. Your insights are valuable.
  5. Your guidance is so helpful.
  6. You’re the best with advice.
  7. I am genuinely pleased with your confidence.
  8. Thanks for lending a hand.

Do you say efforts?

The answer seems to be: effort is singular, efforts is plural.

How do you say thank you to colleagues for support?

I’m so glad to have you on the team and can’t wait to work on more things together in the future. “I would like to thank all my senior colleagues for their unwavering support and encouragement and for seeing the potential in me. I really appreciate all the good times we shared together. You are all the best.”

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Thank you so much for your time and effort in bringing me to the attention of someone so influential. It will be helpful going forward to be on his/her radar. Much appreciated. #3 Thank you for taking your time with me and for making that extra effort to assist me in getting me up to speed on my responsibilities here at work.

How to thank someone for their compliment or praise?

And, this is also a very good way of thanking someone for their compliment or praise. If a person gave you compliments through the mail, then send them a thanking you mail in return, just as you would say in words. You can respond to feedback by saying, ‘Thank you; I acknowledge your feedback on my efforts for achieving the desired result.’

How do you say thank you to someone who has helped you?

Thank you for taking the time to talk to me, and for turning me around onto the right path. I am eternally grateful for your guidance. #4 It takes a special kind of person to dedicate time and effort to helping someone else navigate their career. I am very lucky that I found such a person in you.

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How do you say thank you for a job well done?

Show your pleasure at a job well done. It’s not immodest to acknowledge satisfaction with good work. After saying “thanks,” you might add a brief phrase like, “I’m proud of this one,” or “I’m so pleased that I could help.”