
How do I make my phone battery drain so fast?

How do I make my phone battery drain so fast?

How to make your phone battery last longer

  1. Limit your push notifications.
  2. Adjust your location services settings​
  3. Lower background activity.
  4. Adjust your screen brightness.
  5. Adjust your screen timeout settings.
  6. Check for operating system updates.
  7. Protect your phone from extreme temperatures.
  8. Make sure your phone has service.

What destroys a battery?

Heat. There have been a number of instances of lithium-based batteries igniting in extreme heat conditions. Batteries under heat duress combined with any additional, unexpected pressure or a short-circuit can ‘explode’ leaving a destroyed battery and, more often than not, a damaged piece of portable technology.

What ruins phone battery?

Tip #1: Avoid extreme temperature in general, especially while charging. As we’ve said earlier, extreme temperatures are the biggest enemies of mobile phone batteries. To keep your battery in tip-top shape for longer, you should avoid exposing it to extreme heat or cold.

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How can I quickly drain my phone’s battery without damaging it?

For whatever reason, read on to find out how to quickly drain your phone’s battery, but not ruin your phone’s battery forever! Open up all/most of your apps. As long as you don’t clear them from your phone’s memory, this will drain your phone’s battery quickly, especially if you have a lot of apps!

What can I do to make my phone’s battery last longer?

Open up all/most of your apps. As long as you don’t clear them from your phone’s memory, this will drain your phone’s battery quickly, especially if you have a lot of apps! For example, on an iPhone, if you click on your home button twice, you can slide the apps away– this is clearing them from your memory.

Does FaceTime drain battery faster on iPhone?

While these steps may not drain your battery very quickly if you only do a few of them, if you do every single step, your phone’s battery will soon deplete. You can also use FaceTime or some other battery consuming app since it will help you to drain the battery of your phone.

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How much should I discharge my battery before recharging it?

You should only discharge the battery down to anywhere between 40\% and 70\% before recharging it. Try to prevent the battery from getting below 20\%, except in rare circumstances. Today we’ll show you an app that will drain the battery automatically and faster than normal.