
Why do investment bankers work so hard?

Why do investment bankers work so hard?

The basic reason this happens is that investment banking (along with many other sell-side industries) is a client-service industry catering to huge clients. The most important words here are “service” and “huge clients.” And it’s why they have to do everything their clients ask for.

Do investment bankers work hard?

Investment bankers can work 100 hours a week performing research, financial modeling & building presentations. Although it features some of the most coveted and financially rewarding positions in the banking industry, investment banking is also one of the most challenging and difficult career paths, Guide to IB.

Do investment bankers really work 80 hours?

The average working hours of an investment banker is reported to be around 60 to 80 hours a week. For the most part, you can expect to have at least 70 working hours a week; and even that is stressful enough considering the average working hours for other vocations is around 40 to 50 hours.

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Is investment banking a good job?

That said, investment banking is a highly competitive field. Because the pay is so high and the job is so prestigious, particularly in cities such as New York, applicants far outnumber job openings every year. Having the right skills and being able to display them is paramount for getting a foot in the door.

Are investment banking hours really that bad?

Yes, investment banking hours, especially in your first year or two, are always bad (think: 70-80 hours in the office per week). But junior bankers also tend to exaggerate their hours, often by not subtracting downtime or breaks during the day.

Is investment banking still a good career choice for young professionals?

As young professionals re-examine their work-life balance, investment banking is becoming a less popular choice despite the money. Vince Iyoriobhe, who weathered a two-year analyst program at Bank of America to land a job in private equity, says his lifestyle in the new job is much better.

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Do you always work 80-100 hours per week in investment banking?

You do not always work 80-100 hours per week in investment banking. Hours tend to be lighter in groups like Equity Capital Markets since deals and workflow are more predictable. You won’t have much of a social life on weekdays, but you also won’t be staying at the office until 2 AM all the time.

How can we improve the work environment of junior bankers?

Banks have tried to improve the work environment by offering “protected weekends” to junior bankers (i.e., no work from Friday night through Sunday morning). The results of these policies were mixed, at best, as most people reported that the total number of hours did not change.