
What happened after 18th day of Mahabharata?

What happened after 18th day of Mahabharata?

Aftermath of the War At the end of the 18th day, only ten warriors survived the war – the five Pandavas, Krishna, Satyaki, Ashwatthama, Kripacharya, and Kritvarma. Draupadi and four Pandavas – Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula, and Sahadeva – died during the journey.

How many people died in Mahabharata in 18 days?

It is said that the size of Pandavas’ army in the Kurukshetra war was 7 akshauhinis, and those of Kauravas 11 akshauhini. 18 aukshahinis of soldiers were killed.

Who died on 17th day of Mahabharata?

The war between the Kauravas and Pandavas during the Dwapar Yug at the battlefield of Kurukshetra took place over 18 days. Karna was the Senapati or te General of the Kaurava army. He died on day 17 of the battle when Arjun fired a weapon upon a distressed unarmed Karna.

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Who died on 15th day of Mahabharata?

Italic text== Kurukshetra War Day-15 == After King Drupada and King Virata were slain by Drona, Bhima and Dhristadyumna fought him on the fifteenth day. Because Drona was very powerful and unconquerable having brahamastras, Krishna hinted Yudhisthira that Drona would give up his arms if his son Ashwathama was dead.

What happened to Hastinapur after Mahabharat?

1) After winning the war of Kurukshetra, Pandavas are crowned the rulers of Hastinapur with Yudhistira being at the helm of affairs. A grief-stricken Gandhari curses Krishna wishing for him and the whole Yadav clan a painfull death just like her sons (Kauravas). 2) Pandavas rule Hastinapur for 36 long years.

What are the 18 days of the Mahabharata war?

18 Days of The Mahabharata War – Summary of the War. Day 1 – Pandavas suffered heavy losses. The horrendous war began with Bhishma leading all of the Kaurava armies, rushing with their raised flags Day 2 – Great Losses of Kaurava Army. Day 3 – Use of Celestial Weapons. Day 4 – Bhishma advised

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How many elephants fought in the Mahabharata war?

The Great Mahabharata War raged for 18 days. It was a bloody battle at Kurukshetra in which 18 “akshauhinis” (army) participated, 7 on the Pandavas side and 11 on the Kauravas side. Note: 1 akshauhini = 21,870 chariots + 21,870 elephants + 65,610 horses + 109,350 soldiers on foot Casualties were high on both sides.

What were the results of the Mahabharata war?

Casualties were high on both sides. Eventually, Pandavas won the Mahabharata War. All the sons of Dhritarashtra were killed in the battle at Kurukshetra including Duryodhana and Dushasana. Karna, the eldest son of Kunti who was born before her marriage to Pandu, was killed at the hands of Arjun.

How many chapters are there in the Mahabharata?

For example, Mahabharat has 18 chapters, Bhagwad Geeta also has 18 chapters, the war lasted for 18 days, 18 armies fought in the battle (11 from the side of the Kauravas and 7 from the side of the Pandavas), etc. There could be one explaination to it.