
How do I make my INTJ more comfortable?

How do I make my INTJ more comfortable?

No love bombing, no dramatic outbursts, no strange, erratic behaviors. Some civilised, logical discourse about something interesting will probably entice them to stick around, but don’t smother them. They need space and lots of time to get comfortable. An INTJ values trust and authenticity to the highest levels.

Why are INTJs so blunt?

The well-known bluntness of the INTJ is one of the most misunderstood traits of their type. It’s not that they are blunt because they don’t care about the feelings of others. If they give someone their honest opinion, it’s a sign that they do care.

What should you not say to an INTJ?

10 Things You Should Never Say to an INTJ

  • #1 – “You Don’t Know What You’re Talking About”
  • #2 – “You Think Too Much”
  • #3 – “You Need to Lighten Up!”
  • #4 – “You Can’t Do That”
  • #5 – “You Should Smile More”
  • #6 – “Because This is How It’s Always Been Done”
  • #7 – “You Need to Go Out More”
  • #8 – “I Just Decided to Pop Over!”
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What are INTJs like when stressed?

INTJs tend to be drained by major emotional expressions. They’re likely to be uncomfortable in emotional situations, preferring to look at things logically rather than coping emotionally. INTJs tend to be naturally reserved, so they are likely to be drained by spending a lot of time with a lot of people.

How do you spoil an INTJ for a date?

Don’t spoil it by giving them an answer full of small talk or meaningless details. Unless there is a deeper significance to it, the INTJ does not want to hear about what you had for lunch, what you bought at the thrift store, or that your sister’s roommate’s hairdresser’s daughter got second place in her gymnastics tournament.

How do you deal with an INTJ when they get bored?

If you honestly don’t have a lot to share about your life, move on to another topic and don’t try to dig up something just to have something to say. By then, the INTJ has already gotten bored. A bored INTJ is a dangerous creature.

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What does it feel like to be an INTJ personality?

Being an INTJ personality can feel weird at times. It’s like being in a dream and suddenly realizing that things just aren’t right. Maybe the trees are upside down, or the cars are moving backwards.

Do intjs have arrogance?

All INTJs know two things: What they know, and what they don’t know. This can create an air of certainty that can seem like arrogance. INTJs don’t do BS: If we claim to know something, we know it. And, like most introverts, INTJs don’t speak up unless they have given their words some serious thought.