
What to do if you are stuck on a coding problem?

What to do if you are stuck on a coding problem?

How to Get Unstuck When You Hit a Programming Wall

  1. Make the problem concrete. Create a diagram, make a quick sketch, or use actual objects to give yourself a visual.
  2. Write out exactly what you’re trying to do.
  3. Simplify your given input.
  4. Solve a smaller problem.
  5. Take a break.
  6. Pair with another programmer.
  7. Wrapping up.

Is it possible to learn programming on the job?

You can become a valuable resource to employers or even become a freelance developer. As the coding industry is exploding, learning coding skills has become an increasingly good idea for job security and career success. The most obvious path to starting a career in programming is through a computer science (C.S.)

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Can I work as a programmer while studying?

Yes you can , in today’s environment there are lot of options available and there are many ppl who work during studies.

How many hours a day do you spend on programming?

At most 4 hours. But when it comes to programming as a whole, then I will say all the time, even in my dreams, I can dream about programming. Programming is not literally about just typing codes, but thinking of algorithms and design patterns.

How long does it take for a junior developer to work?

If the time frame for the feature is not a big deal, the junior developer will be allowed to work on the ticket. But it’s not uncommon for it to be two or three months before the developer will work on the more complicated issues (these issues are sometimes epics).

How long does it take to become a good programmer?

If you want to become an expert programmer, be ready to spend at least 5 years of programming daily. However, if you just want to learn the basics that will either get you a job or allow you to work on your projects, you can learn the skill of programming in less than 100 hours of practice. 100 hours of practice is about

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Should you spend more time coding or not?

You have to decide that yourself. If you’re constantly feeling like you should spend more time coding, then you’re probably right. You should never force yourself to the point where the sight of a curly bracket makes you want to puke either.