
How many words should a 28 month say?

How many words should a 28 month say?

Speak in two- and three-word phrases or sentences. Use at least 200 words and as many as 1,000 words.

How can I encourage my 28 month old to talk?

Continue to read, talk, and sing with him, ask him questions, and point out and identify the people and things that fill his world. Other helpful strategies are to use short sentences (three to five words) when you talk with him, and to engage in lots of back-and-forth verbal interaction with him.

Does my 2.5 year old need speech therapy?

By age 2, most children understand more than 300 words. If your child has trouble understanding simple sentences, such as “get your coat,” it may be time to see a speech therapist.

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Does my child understand but doesn’t speak?

“My child understands but doesn’t speak” is a sentence I often heard from parents who brought their child in to see me for a speech and language assessment. While in most cases this was true (the child understood at an age appropriate level), there were a few children who actually did not understand what they should have.

Why won’t my 20-month-old toddler talk more?

If your 20-month-old toddler isn’t using more than a few words, there may be an underlying issue, such as a hearing problem or other developmental delay. There is a possibility that these delays are temporary.

Is my child’s speech development delayed?

There is a possibility that these delays are temporary. If your child seems to hear, understand, and follow instructions despite not speaking much, and there are no other signs of delayed development, they may just be on their own timeline.

How many words should a 2 year old be saying?

By two years of age a child should be saying at least one word statements. A toddler may repeat words or phrases verbatim that they have heard; yet they may not understand how to use the words or what the words mean.