
Does Donnie Darko have a cult following?

Does Donnie Darko have a cult following?

In March 2002, the film was released on home video, earning $500,000 in sales and gained a cult following. Kelly released Donnie Darko: The Director’s Cut in 2004.

What is the point of Donnie Darko?

Released wide on October 26th, 2001, Donnie Darko tells the story of a troubled teenager named Donnie who’s prone to bouts of depression, as well as the occasional late-night sleepwalking session.

What makes something a cult classic?

A cult film, also commonly referred to as a cult classic, is a film with a cult following, obscure or unpopular with mainstream audiences, and often revolutionary or ironically enjoyed.

Why is Donnie Darko set 1988?

2 Answers. I think this was done as a way for Kelly to show a more simplistic time rather than a time with all the technological advances being made. Also, there is a theory I saw here, in fact about the way the number 88 is a theme in the movie which would explain a lot about using this time period.

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Why is Donnie laughing at the end?

Donnie Darko is a subtle superhero story, but make no mistake, it is a superhero movie. When he wakes in bed after successfully returning the Artifact, he laughs because he’s enacted God’s plan, saved the universe, and in turn he’s saved the lives of Gretchen and Frank. His impact reaches further into the PU, too.

Is Donnie Darko about depression?

Based on his emotional outbursts, dream-like paradigm and struggle with his past discressions, Donnie is clearly diagnosable as Clinically Depressed. There are many common anti-depressants, as well as forms of therapy to combat depression, though Donnie’s behavior sets him opposed to both.

Is Jurassic Park a classic?

Jurassic Park is an iconic Steven Spielberg classic. While the dinosaur theme park movie holds up great, many aspects of the original are dated. The movie was groundbreaking in its filmmaking and a massive hit at the box office, at one point becoming the highest-grossing movie of all time.

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What makes something a cult?

In modern English, a cult is a social group that is defined by its unusual religious, spiritual, or philosophical beliefs, or by its common interest in a particular personality, object, or goal.