
Is a pool lifeguard a good job?

Is a pool lifeguard a good job?

If you’re looking for a job with an opportunity to learn, take ownership in your work, and assume more responsibility as you go, lifeguarding is an excellent fit. Remember: lifeguards protect the safety and well-being of anyone who comes to the pool. Few summer jobs can top that in responsibility. 4.

What are the disadvantages of being a lifeguard?

They get to hang out in the sun, at the pool or beach day after day, and get paid for it. From the outside, it seems hard to see any negatives to the job….The 7 Worst Things about Being a Lifeguard

  1. Terrible tan lines.
  2. Always asked for help.
  3. Constant chlorine.
  4. You don’t actually get to swim.
  5. Janitor duties.
  6. Time creeps by.

Whats it like being a pool lifeguard?

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A lot of people like working at pools because they feel nervous on the beach. Pools are definitely more relaxed, to the point where a lot of pools let you read a book if it’s not crowded. Beaches are stricter about things like that, but you get to do more rescues, which is exciting. Training is also very intense.

Is lifeguarding a good first job?

Lifeguarding and working for American Pool is a fun summer job for your teen, but it is also a highly important job that comes with lifelong benefits. Becoming a lifeguard helps teach responsibility, offers great pay, flexible schedules, and creates lost-lasting friendships.

What is the hardest part of the lifeguard test?

The hardest part of the actual training (the stuff listed above was prerequisites that you HAVE to be able to do to even begin the training part) was deep water spinals.

Is lifeguard easy?

Being a good lifeguard is physically challenging. You will want to be in good shape. Lifeguards follow the 10/20 rule. Once a lifeguard notices a potential problem, they must respond in 10 seconds and be able to reach the person in 20 seconds, so it is absolutely necessary to be in shape and to be a strong swimmer.

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Is a lifeguard a good first job?

Does lifeguard look good on resume?

If you’re like many high school and college students, you want a job that not only pays but also looks good on your resume. As a lifeguard, you can have the flexibility of a part-time job, while gaining valuable experience that looks great on your resume to future employers or college applications.

Is lifeguarding on the beach more challenging?

A lot of people will tell you that lifeguarding on the beach is more challenging. We won’t go that far because all forms of lifeguarding are challenging, but we will say that beach lifeguards are presented with more natural, physical barriers.

How long does it take to become a lifeguard?

, Swimmer for 6 years, state ranked. Being a lifeguard requires more skills than you may realize. You must first pass a physical test in which you must swim 300 meters, pick up a brick from the bottom of a 12 foot pool and bring it to the ledge of the pool, and perform multiple scenarios with other classmates.

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What does it mean when a lifeguard scans the pool?

It’s when a lifeguard “scans” the entirety of the pool/beach area for 10 seconds and is within a 20-second reach of all swimmers. No lifeguard should work past 10:20 pm. It refers to a CPR technique, where the lifeguard does 10 chest compressions, followed by 20 seconds of breathing into the valve mask.

Is being a life guard at a swimming pool stressful?

After all, you are a life guard. It depends on how many people are swimming. On day that there are a lot of people swimming it can be stressful because you have to look after a lot more people. Keep in mind that people don’t listen to you when you tell them get out of the pool stop Running. It’s also stressful if you have to save someone’s life.