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Did Palpatine care about Padme?

Did Palpatine care about Padme?

He certainly didn’t feel any affection for her, but he wouldn’t have been happy if she suddenly died. Padmé was an integral part of Palpatine’s plan, just like the clone army. At first, Palpatine only helped Padmé become the Queen because she was young, and children evoke sympathy.

Is Palpatine killing Padme canon?

Palpatine does not kill Padmé; Anakin does. To the best of my recollection, Palpatine never lies…he deceives, but never lies. He told Anakin that he did not know how to bring someone back to life, but with him, they could discover this power. He also tells Anakin, as you quoted, “…you killed her.”

Did Palpatine have Anakin’s mother killed?

Molded and shaped by external forces that amplified his latent dark inclinations, Anakin first killed in anger after the murder of his mother Shmi in Attack of the Clones. However, a thoughtful new theory suggests that Emperor Sheev Palpatine — and not the Tusken Raiders — who was the one behind Shmi’s death.

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Did Palpatine kidnap Shmi?

In one early scene, Anakin confronts Count Dooku, and is goaded into killing his prisoner by a watching Palpatine. In one early draft, Palpatine pushed Anakin to do the deed by revealing Dooku had paid the Tusken Raiders to kidnap and kill Shmi.

How did Palpatine kill Padmé?

Fans theorize Palpatine might have killed Padmé by draining her life essence as she gave birth and transferred it to Vader. Palpatine thought all life died with the former Queen. It’s unclear if he knew she was pregnant as the scenes deleted from Revenge of the Sith are no longer considered canon.

Did Palpatine know Padme was pregnant with twins?

Even though he knew of Anakin’s relationship with Padme and the fact that she was pregnant, there is nothing to suggest that Palpatine was aware that Padme was pregnant with twins, as opposed to one child, in the first place. I couldn’t find any references to Palpatine either knowing, or using that knowledge to some purpose.

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How did Palpatine know about Anakin’s wife?

Palpatine knew of his wife because he was the one who brought them together, knowing she was Anakin’s ultimate downfall. Since Anakin was The Chosen One who was to kill the Sith, Palpatine decided to turn his threat into his ally and used the person he loved most of all to bring him to the Dark Side (aka Padme).

What happened to Padmé Padme in Star Wars?

However, when she died after the births of Luke and Leia, the entirety of her home planet gathered to mourn Padmé’s death in Star Wars. When Darth Vader’s new cybernetics got installed, he asked where Padmé was and whether she was safe.