
What percentage of people have bumper stickers?

What percentage of people have bumper stickers?

One out of two people in the Western U.S. and Great Lakes region have at least one bumper sticker. Women are 126\% more likely to have a bumper sticker on their car than men (63\% women vs 50\% men). According to a survey, the most popular bumper stickers were related to sports, fitness, or leisure activities (17\%).

Do bumper stickers lower the value of a car?

The bottom line: Bumper stickers make your car stand out in all the wrong ways to a potential buyer. A car dealer will work to remove the stickers before putting the car out on the lot, but they’ll offer less on your trade-in due to the work needed.

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Should I put stickers on my bumper?

But, as fun and quirky as they may be, bumper stickers can be extremely damaging to your car’s paint if you don’t apply and remove them correctly. Any stickers that you put on your car should be marketed specifically as bumper or window stickers. Do not use normal, paper stickers on your car.

Why do people put stickers all over their cars?

Competition to keep brand names in front of consumers is fierce, and some people even pay to advertise products (sometimes products they don’t even own), by buying vinyl stickers and pasting them all over the outside of their vehicles.

Which cars have the most bumper stickers?

Pickup truck drivers are the most likely to have a bumper sticker on their car; that’s right, 72 percent of them. Minivan drivers come in at 69 percent, a close second. The 26.2 marathon-boasting crowd is apparently seen as the most normal or reasonable.

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Why you shouldn’t put bumper stickers?

Bumper stickers can tell strangers a lot about the driver and their family—as well as their belongings and what might be in their car. Corporal McGriff adds that stickers of your college alma mater and even what you majored in can also make it easier for thieves to guess what’s in your car.

Are stickers bad for your car?

There are acrylic adhesives used in the making of decals that won’t have any impact on the chemistry of the paint. In short, the chance of a sticker damaging the paint on your vehicle is almost non-existent unless the paint is of poor quality.

Why don’t people notice bumper stickers?

The reason people don’t notice bumper stickers is because everyone has them. You pull up at every stoplight and you just sort of assume the guy in front of you will have a bumper sticker, so you couldn’t care less what it says.

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Are bumper stickers popular in Europe?

The funny thing is that the bumper sticker is a phenomenon entirely limited to North America. You see them in the States, and you see them in Canada, but you can spend an entire week in Europe and not see a bumper sticker aside from the common international oval country code.

What do those vacation stickers on your door mean?

“Stickers that show frequent vacation spots could inform burglars that your home is left unattended during vacation seasons,” explains Corporal Tina McGriff with the Montgomery Police Department. “This creates an opportunity for property damage and loss.” Don’t miss these 22 inexpensive ways to burglar-proof your home.