
Which country is best for study and work?

Which country is best for study and work?

10 best countries to study and work

Rank Country International student population
1 USA 1,095,299
2 UK 496,570
3 Canada 642,480
4 Australia 420,501

Which country is best for study and work in 2021?

Why USA is one of the best countries to study and work in 2021? Top Courses to study in the US Average Annual Salary (in USD)
1 Management Over 50,090
2 Operations Management Over 100,030
3 Advertising and Marketing Over 140,000
4 Public Relations Over 130,000

How to get permanent residency in the Czech Republic?

There are different routes to The Czech Republic offers a Residency by Investment program. The program offers a pathway to Czech Republic permanent residency after 5 years, and full Czech Republic citizenship after 10 years. To qualify you will need to invest CZK75,000,000 (about Euro 2,850,000) into a business based in the Czech Republic.

What is it like to live in Czech Republic as an expat?

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As I live in a small city (pop. 100,000), everyone seems to know everyone else, and people are eager to introduce you to their friends. It’s a really open and welcoming community. Funnily enough, it was a little harder to meet other Czech Republic expats than locals. That’s life outside the big city for you.

What is Czech Republic citizenship (Czechia)?

If you want an EU passport, then Czech Republic citizenship (also referred to as Czechia) could be the solution for you. There are different routes to The Czech Republic offers a Residency by Investment program.

What makes Prague 7 so special?

In the past decade, Prague 7 (first-time visitors, take note: Prague is divided into sections and assigned numbers) has morphed from a sleepy residential neighbourhood into one that’s vibrant and full of cool boutiques and restaurants.