
Do INFPs push people away?

Do INFPs push people away?

INFPs try not to push people away, and are often searching for people to connect with. INFPs can be afraid of getting hurt, but they don’t want to push anyone away who might actually mean something to them.

Do INFPs care what others think of them?

When it comes to their close loved ones, INFPs are entirely different. They want to know that the special people in their lives truly admire them, and care deeply what they think of them. INFPs want the people they love to think highly of them, but that doesn’t mean they will change in order to gain approval.

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Are INFPs serious people?

INFPs are generally always really serious. We weigh everything seriously. It just might not look like we’re serious because we’re very happy-go-lucky in general, but the decisions we take are all serious decisions. We take decision-making so seriously that we agonize for weeks over our decisions.

Are INFPs toxic?

INFPs who are especially unhealthy or immature can function with a warped introverted feeling process. They can be overly-sensitive, quick to take offense, and insistent that only their views and values are valid.

What are INFPs like in relationships?

INFPs are idealists so they tend to have high expectations—including in relationships. They might hold an idealized image in their minds of their perfect partner, which can be a difficult role for any individual to fill. People with this personality type care deeply about other people, yet as introverts they can be difficult to know.

Are INFPs sociable introverts?

“You’re so social — you can’t be an introvert!” INFPs are said to be one of the most outgoing and friendly of the introverted Myers-Briggs personality types. As sociable introverts, we sometimes appear vibrant and lively when we’re with close friends or small groups of people.

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Is it normal for INFPs to be caring and understanding?

This is definitely not normal for the caring and understanding INFP, and can certainly be an unhealthy function for them to process. When this happens it is often because of times of extreme stress, and it does often occur for a reason.

Do INFPs like to be thrown out of their normal state?

While it can appear unhealthy and even a bit toxic, the INFP likely needs to dive into their shadow during this time. They are often thrown out of their normal state of being, because it isn’t working for them in some ways.