
How was Apollo Worshipped?

How was Apollo Worshipped?

Apollo may have been first worshiped by primitive shepherds as a god of pastures and flocks, but it was as a god of light, Phoebus or Phoebus Apollo, that he was most widely known. After the 5th cent. In Roman religion, Apollo was worshiped in various forms, most significantly as a god of healing and of prophecy.

What did Apollo do for Sparta?

Apollo was important to the Spartans because he affected all aspects of their lives, ranging from music, plague and prophecy. Even though each characteristic varies greatly, they are all important to Spartan life because they involve all classes from the Kings to the helots.

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Which Greek god did Sparta worship?

This figurine was left as an offering to the goddess Artemis Orthia. Artemis was the Greek god of hunting and of the change from childhood to adulthood. Although Athena was the patron goddess of the city of Sparta, the worship of Artemis at the sanctuary of Orthia was of particular importance in Spartan life.

What kind of religion did the Spartans practice?


Lacedaemon Λακεδαίμων (Ancient Greek)
Religion Greek polytheism
Government Diarchy
• 1104–1066 BC Eurysthenes

Is Apollo a Helios?

Helios, (Greek: “Sun”) in Greek religion, the sun god, sometimes called a Titan. His worship spread as he became increasingly identified with other deities, often under Eastern influence. From the 5th century bce, Apollo, originally a deity of radiant purity, was more and more interpreted as a sun god.

Is Helios a Titan or god?

Helios, (Greek: “Sun”) in Greek religion, the sun god, sometimes called a Titan. He drove a chariot daily from east to west across the sky and sailed around the northerly stream of Ocean each night in a huge cup.

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How did the Spartans worship their gods?

Much evidence can be found for Spartan worship through sanctuaries, temples and festivals in honour of the Gods. This festival linked the worship of Apollo with Karneios, an older Spartan God. Karnos was believed to have the ability to see into the future. Also, he was supposedly killed by a descendant of Hercules, a Herakleidai.

What festivals honored Apollo in Sparta?

Three major festivals honored Apollo in Sparta: the Gymnopaedia, the Hyacinthia and the Carnea. The Gymnopaedia celebrated Apollo as the god of music with choral competitions which lasted for hours. The Hyacinthia centered on the sanctuary of Apollo of Amyclae, which was three miles south of the city.

Where is the temple of Apollo in Sparta?

“Amyklai (in Lakedaimonia), where is the temple of Apollo.”. (Strabo) When looking at the worshipped Gods of Sparta, an obvious connection can be made to their militaristic lifestyle. The fundamental Spartan Gods were Apollo, Artemis, Athena and Zeus, all who symbolised strength, victory, wisdom and skill.

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Why was Sparta so powerful in ancient Greece?

Sparta was the most powerful state in the ancient southern Peloponnese. By the fourth century BC it controlled more territory than any other Greek city state due to its disciplined, militaristic society. Like all the Greeks, the Spartans worshiped the Olympian pantheon.