
Can you do a masters in computer science after electrical engineering?

Can you do a masters in computer science after electrical engineering?

It is possible for students from Electrical Engineering or Electrical and Communication Engineering or even Civil Engineering to switch to a Master’s in Computer Science. (or, BE) in Electrical Engineering and you want to apply for MS in Computer Science. You can do that. It is same for other degrees as well.

What is a master’s degree in electrical engineering?

A master’s in electrical engineering prepares students for specialized and supervisory positions in a variety of work environments. Graduates may perform research, develop new technologies, design electrical components, or work in telecommunications. Positions in the field all require advanced math and science skills.

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Is Masters in electrical and computer engineering worth it?

Verdict: It is highly recommended that you join MS in Electrical Engineering in a US college of the aforementioned ranks if you are currently earning ₹ 5 lakhs a year working in India. The NPV and profit figures look really great.

Do Electrical Engineers need a masters?

You probably need at least a master’s degree in order to qualify for the top-tier jobs, so you need to be prepared for six years of engineering school. If you really love engineering, then it’s totally worth it. You’ll get a job where you’ll be paid, and paid well, to do what you love.

What degree should I get to become an electrical engineer?

In that case, you should consider a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering. There is no better time to become an electrical engineer, considering that numerous industries need help to build new innovative technologies and make them function reliably.

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What can you do with an Electrical and Computer Engineering degree?

They work in industries ranging from health care, renewable energy, and retail to security, gaming, and telecommunications. All of career paths in electrical or computer engineering provide opportunities to work with teams of engineers and make a huge difference in the lives of people worldwide.

What is the career outlook for electrical and computer engineers?

The career outlook is great for electrical and computer engineers, too. Electrical engineering and computer engineering are some of the fastest growing career fields in the United States. And they pay well—starting salaries are typically near $60,000 for entry-level engineering jobs for bachelor’s degree graduates.

How do I apply for a double degree in Electrical Engineering?

Students have the option to undertake a double degree – Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Electrical)/Bachelor Engineering Science (Mechatronic Engineering), program code 3773, by applying for an Internal Program Transfer (IPT) after commencing study.