Tips and tricks

How do you catch someone stealing food from the fridge?

How do you catch someone stealing food from the fridge?

One way to catch a thief is to spice your food with something particularly hot, such as a ghost pepper. You should be able to tell who ate it, as that person will end up sweating and probably need lots of water. If you spike your food this way, make sure to keep an eye out around the office.

What do you do if someone steals your food?

Your colleague who is crying or choking may be the thief.

  1. Combine foods that do not go well together.
  2. Drug your meal.
  3. Place an alarm on your lunch bag.
  4. Include an explosive dye pack in your lunch bag.
  5. Hook up a camera that collects footage of all traffic to the refrigerator.
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How do roommates lock food?

Here’s How To Stop Your Flatmates Stealing Your Food

  1. Write Your Name on EVERYTHING. It might seem obvious, but it’s a good place to start.
  2. Wrap Food in a Plastic Bag.
  3. Hide Food in Unlikely Places.
  4. Store Food In Locked Containers.
  5. Send Videos of You Licking Your Food to Your Group Chat.
  6. Add Lots of Chilli Powder.

Did Lake’s co-worker steal her lunch?

Yes, Lake’s coworker actually had the nerve to steal her lunch and then accuse her of poisoning it. At least she learned her lesson—probably while developing a lifelong distaste for seafood. 4. If you’re going to steal, make sure you’re ready to take the heat.

Did someone steal your energy drinks from your cooler?

“There used to be a guy who would steal my energy drinks from the walk-in cooler,” Osborne wrote. “When called on it, he would insist he was drinking his own, and unfortunately, there was no way to prove [the theft], because he did indeed frequently bring energy drinks to work.”

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Would you steal someone’s lunch at a law firm?

And if you’re going to steal someone’s lunch, don’t do it at a law firm. Quora user Kevin Mark Wray worked as a paralegal at a law firm with a lunch thief. “Everyone suspected various attorneys,” he wrote. “Since we had such a busy floor—we were in the litigation department—it was difficult to [determine] who it might be.

How do you catch a lunch thief?

1. To catch a thief, you don’t really need state-of-the-art equipment. Many lunch-theft revenge stories involve putting something gross in the target food (and don’t worry, we’ve got plenty of those stories later in this list). Quora user Rik Osborne found a simpler way to expose his coworker’s misdeeds.