
Does fanfiction have to be canon?

Does fanfiction have to be canon?

Fan fiction is almost never regarded as canonical. However, certain ideas may become influential or widely accepted within fan communities, who refer to such ideas as “fanon”, a blend of fan and canon. Similarly, the jargon “headcanon” is used to describe a fan’s personal interpretation of a fictional universe.

Can you write fanfiction of your own work?

Under U.S. copyright law, the legality of a given work of fanfiction will depend principally on three legal doctrines: (1) copyrightability of the underlying source work; (2) the derivative work right; and (3) fair use. Copyright goes into effect automatically, even if a work is not published.

Can an author write fanfiction?

Hey, you might even be able to use it to spin your own writing career! So yes, fanfiction can get published, and some author have written fanfiction. Whether they were building their own platform of readers, or writing for the sheer joy of playing with those characters, some of the people on this list may surprise you!

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What is Canon fanfic?

Canon fic, or in-universe fic: Fic that builds off the existing canonical storyline. AU: Short for “alternative universe,” AU places canonical characters into a different setting, universe, or timeline, or otherwise alters something significant about the existing canonical storyline.

What does Headcanon mean in fanfiction?

Headcanon: A sub-branch of “fanon” is actually called “headcanon.” When someone invents a piece of fanon they really believe in, it may not be accepted as a general part of fandom, but it still stays tucked away inside its creator’s brain; it thus becomes his or her personal “headcanon.”

Can you get published for fanfiction?

So yes, fanfiction can get published, and some author have written fanfiction. Whether they were building their own platform of readers, or writing for the sheer joy of playing with those characters, some of the people on this list may surprise you!

Do you ever feel ashamed of writing fan fiction?

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For a long time I used to be ashamed of writing fan fiction, and that’s mostly because fanfiction sometimes has a bad name — which is ridiculous, since even some authors write fanfiction. I’ve heard just about everything that people who love fan fiction hear from others.

Is fanfiction a good way to start writing?

The good thing about writing fan fiction is that the characters and basic plot are already set up, so new writers can concentrate on dialogue, or further plot development.” She refuses to read fanfiction, which is a common practice for most authors, many of whom fear they’ll accidentally lift ideas.

Who are some famous authors who have written fanfiction?

Naomi Novik. This bestselling author of the Temeraire series and Uprooted is well known for having written fanfiction in the past. It’s widely thought that her first novel, Her Majesty’s Dragon, began life as a Master and Commander fanfic, and she’s the founder of the Organization for Transformative Works,…