
What is a weak aspect in astrology?

What is a weak aspect in astrology?

For example, a trine aspect where the two planets are 128 degrees apart would be considered “weak”. This is because a perfect trine is exactly 120 degrees. With this example the orb is 8 degrees. That would be called a wide orb, or a “weak aspect”.

What does it mean when your Venus is weak?

A person with a weak Venus may be a spendthrift, which could lead to poverty. A negative Venus may also cause skin diseases. A badly placed Venus can indicate diseases in body parts such as eyes, nose, chin, throat, sexual organs, kidney, bladder, etc.

What aspects does Venus rule?

Within your birth chart, Venus governs courtship and adoration, as well as personal taste and aesthetics. Venus represents your values, including your relationship with finances and material possessions. This planet is all about pleasure, so Venus just sits back and relaxes while it gets exactly what it wants.

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What is the strongest aspect?

Conjunctions are said to be the most powerful aspect, mutually intensifying the effects of the planets involved; they are major point in an individual’s chart.

What are the signs of weak Venus?

How to identify weak Venus according to astrology? – In the horoscope, if Venus is in the sixth eighth house with sinful planets. – If the brightness and ophthalmia of your face are getting weaker day by day. – You eat more sweets at night.

What does Venus aspect mean in astrology?

Venus aspects describe your relationships (in a general sense) more than you might think. Venus is the general significator for love and relationships in a natal horoscope. Through the different aspects with other points and planets, Venus is “colored”, shapen and molded — and so is your love life.

What does Venus in a natal chart mean?

Venus represents your values, including your relationship with finances and material possessions. This planet is all about pleasure, so Venus just sits back and relaxes while it gets exactly what it wants. That’s right, folks, Venus is living the good life — this celestial body is all about luxury.

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How important are Sun-Venus aspects in a birth chart?

Sun-Venus aspects are very important in the birth chart. Sun-Venus aspects and Moon-Venus aspects make Venus more influential, as the luminaries are. Planets in Taurus, Libra, in the second and seventh houses also emphasize the influence of Venus. (Venus rules both Taurus and Libra).

How do I know if my Venus is in love with Me?

In order to take a closer look at your relationship with Venus, calculate your free birth chart on and then head back here to check out the guide below to interpret your results. First, identify which zodiac sign Venus occupies. This is a critical first step, as the planet’s sign will reveal precisely how it wants to indulge.