
Does endless mean infinite?

Does endless mean infinite?

Endless -> that which does not appear to have an end in time or space. Infinite -> that which is large and not limited by a definite number or quantity; In the factory, there was the endless noise of machinery -> endless = continuous (over a long period.)

What is a good word for never-ending?


  • boundless.
  • ceaseless.
  • constant.
  • continuous.
  • endless.
  • eternal.
  • incessant.
  • interminable.

What does never endless mean?

adjective. having or seeming to have no end; interminable.

Is it Neverending or never-ending?

Never-ending is an adjective meaning having no end or interminable, as in The Earth enjoys a never-ending supply of sunlight. Neverending (one word) is a variant of the word that increasingly appears in print, probably due to publication of the German fantasy story The Neverending Story.

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What is an endless love?

1 having or seeming to have no end; eternal or infinite. 2 continuing too long or continually recurring.

Which thing is endless?

Things that are endless go on forever, or at least appear to. The ocean looks endless when you sail out of sight of the shore. Endless things are infinite — your love for someone might be endless, and the mathematical symbol of infinity represents an endless number.

What is the word for endless loop?

1 boundless, ceaseless, constant, continual, eternal, everlasting, immortal, incessant, infinite, interminable, limitless, measureless, perpetual, unbounded, unbroken, undying, unending, uninterrupted, unlimited. 2 interminable, monotonous, overlong. 3 continuous, unbroken, undivided, whole.

What is never ending examples?

People went in and out of the house in a never-ending procession. She stayed there throughout the long, cold, seemingly never-ending winter. The monkeys have a never-ending supply of food at their disposal. Updating the catalogue is a never-ending task.

What is never-ending examples?

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What is never-ending process?

RSS. Peace is not the product of a victory or a command. It has no finishing line, no final deadline, no fixed definition of achievement. Peace is a never-ending process, the work of many decisions.