
What does it mean if you are confounded?

What does it mean if you are confounded?

Definition of confounded 1 : confused, perplexed. 2 : damned I can’t close this confounded window.

What is a confounded experience?

transitive verb. If someone or something confounds you, they make you feel surprised or confused, often by showing you that your opinions or expectations of them were wrong.

How do you use confound in a sentence?

Confounding in a Sentence 1. My dog is usually friendly and cheerful, so his reclusive and hostile behavior today is absolutely confounding. 2. Why anyone would choose to explore a dark cave is confounding to me, but some people enjoy the mystery and the danger.

How do you use confounded?

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The strategy confounded our opponents. The murder case has confounded investigators. The school’s team confounded all predictions and won the game. The success of the show confounded critics.

Can a person be confounding?

A person confounding occurs when two or more groups of units are analyzed together (e.g., workers from different occupations), despite varying according to one or more other (observed or unobserved) characteristics (e.g., gender).

What does it mean when a study is confounded?

In research that investigates a potential cause-and-effect relationship, a confounding variable is an unmeasured third variable that influences both the supposed cause and the supposed effect.

What is confounding in psych?

n. in an experiment, an independent variable that is conceptually distinct but empirically inseparable from one or more other independent variables. Confounding makes it impossible to differentiate that variable’s effects in isolation from its effects in conjunction with other variables.

What is positive confounding?

A situation in which the effect or association between an exposure and outcome is distorted by the presence of another variable. Positive confounding (when the observed association is biased away from the null) and negative confounding (when the observed association is biased toward the null) both occur.

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What is a discomfiture?

uncountable noun. Discomfiture is a feeling of slight embarrassment or confusion.

What does confounded mean in research?

A confounder (or ‘confounding factor’) is something, other than the thing being studied, that could be causing the results seen in a study. confounders have the potential to change the results of research because they can influence the outcomes that the researchers are measuring.

What is the meaning of the word confounded?

Definition of confounded 1 : confused, perplexed 2 : damned I can’t close this confounded window.

What does confounded informal + old-fashioned mean?

English Language Learners Definition of confounded informal + old-fashioned : very bad or annoying See the full definition for confounded in the English Language Learners Dictionary

When was the word confounded first used in the Dictionary?

The first known use of confounded was in the 14th century See more words from the same century Dictionary Entries Near confounded