Why IITs are bad Quora?

Why IITs are bad Quora?

Why are IIT’s bad? – Quora. Originally Answered: why do iits suck? IIT’s are basically over-hyped and are not worth the effort which goes into getting into one. All teachers and students are oriented towards getting marks, getting proper interns and jobs, no one ever thinks about gaining knowledge.

Is IIT English medium?

From class lectures to books at IITs, all are in English, and hence there’s a gap in understanding,” said IIT Kanpur, dean-academic affairs, Neeraj Misra. IIT Kanpur identified this problem a few years ago and has put in place an English diagnostic test.

What do you think about the quality of research at IIT Bombay?

While the quality of research by the professors is unquestionable, their teaching standards definitely need improvement. The fact that some professors have been successful in waking me up for an 8.30 AM class in the Bombay monsoons or a cold January winter is testimony of some wonderful professors we have.

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What is it like to be an IIT professor?

The job of an IIT professor is one of the most coveted for one who wants a teaching job. The salaries are continually revised by the successive pay commissions and perquisites like quarters in a very good colony and so on. There is ample scope for research and personal development in the area of your choice.

Why don’t people come back to teach at IITs?

From a lifestyle and financial point of view, there is little reason to come back and work/teach at the IITs. Thus, the professorial ranks at the IITs are often heavily populated with PhDs from the IITs (ie, those who came to IIT for grad school) or less prestigious foreign universities.

Why do IITs fail so many engineering students?

There is another structural problem: the IITs are engineering schools, not universities. Because a large number of entrants are simply smart without any genuine prior interest in engineering per se, they have no outlet to explore something different if they discover that they hate what they are studying.