Tips and tricks

Can BDS student give UPSC?

Can BDS student give UPSC?

Graduation is the minimum Eligibility criteria to apply for this examination. Thus , if your are BDS graduate or about to complete your internship or you are doing MDS or completed MDS, then you are eligible to apply for all govt. UPSC exams& civil service exams.

Can a dentist give UPSC CMS?

Yes ,a bds graduate can apply for upsc exam.

Can dentist give UPSC CMS?

BDS aspirants can appear for the CMSE , Combined Medical Service Examination which is conducted by UPSC (Union Public Service Comission). CMSE consists of two written and personality test. Only the candidate holding MBBS degree and are below 32 years are eligible.

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What are the top 10 optional subjects for UPSC?

Considering various data given above, latest UPSC syllabus and recent IAS results, the top 10 optional subjects for UPSC can be listed as follows: 1 Sociology 2 Agriculture 3 Medical Science 4 Literature Subject (Any) 5 Anthropology 6 Public Administration 7 Psychology 8 Law 9 Geography 10 History

What is the best way to prepare for UPSC Mains Exam?

The first step for any candidate should be to peruse the UPSC Mains syllabus for optional subjects and, then refer to 3-4 years of past question papers for the subjects one is interested in before making their final choice.

Which is the best optional subject for IAS toppers?

Out of the available options (refer to the table of subjects above), Medical Science is the natural choice. There have been several IAS toppers with medical background who took medical science as their optional. To some extent, subjects like Zoology and Animal Husbandry and Vet Science can also be considered.

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How many optional subjects are there in the IAS exam?

Since 2013, UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) has reduced the number of optional subjects for the theory part (Mains) of the IAS exam process to one. Prior to 2013, candidates had to choose two optional subjects.