
How is Indian constitution rigid and flexible?

How is Indian constitution rigid and flexible?

Rigidity and Flexibility: The Constitution of India is neither rigid nor flexible. A Rigid Constitution means that the special procedures are required for its amendments whereas a Flexible Constitution is one in which the constitution can be amended easily.

How can you say that the Indian Constitution is both rigid and flexible mention some of the major characteristics of the Indian Constitution?

Indian Constitution is both rigid and flexible in the following manner:

  • (i) The procedure of amendment is neither as easy as in England nor as difficult as in United States.
  • (ii) The Federal Provision of the Constitution cannot be amended easily.

Why is Indian Constitution neither rigid nor flexible?

Indian Constitution is neither rigid nor flexible. A constitution is called rigid or flexible on the basis of it’s amendment procedure. In a rigid constitution amendment is not easy and it might break under the weight of change while too flexible will have no security, predictability and identity to the people.

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What is rigidity and flexibility of constitution?

Rigid Constitution is a constitution which stands above the other laws of the country, while flexible constitutions do not. In contrast, a flexible constitution is one in which the legislature may amend the constitution’s content and principles through use of the ordinary legislative process.

Is constitution flexible or rigid Why?

A rigid constitution is one that can’t be amended easily, i.e., the US Constitution. A flexible constitution is one that can be amended easily. Indian constitution is more flexible than rigid. For example, most of its provisions can be amended by a two-thirds majority in the parliament.

How our Constitution is flexible?

On the basis of amendments, a constitution can be classified into the categories of rigid and flexible. A flexible constitution is one which can be amended easily. Indian constitution is more flexible than rigid. For example, most of its provisions can be amended by 2/3 majority in the parliament.

How can u say Indian Constitution is flexible?

Indian constitution offers flexibility because laws made in the Indian constitution can be changed after passing an ordinance in the parliament and by doing so various types of amendments can be made in the Indian constitution.

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Is a blend of flexibility and rigidity?

Justify. Constitutions are also classified into rigid and flexible. A rigid Constitution is one that requires a special procedure for its amendment, as for example, the American Constitution.

How the Constitution is flexible?

The Constitution is made flexible by the elastic clause because it gives government the right to extend its power and meet new situations. However flexibility of the Constitution is the most important because it changes with the times and can handle any situation thrown its way.

Why is the Indian constitution flexible?

Indian constitution is more flexible than rigid. For example, most of its provisions can be amended by a two-thirds majority in the parliament. apart from two-third majority in both houses of the parliament, the bill must be passed by at least half of the total state legislatures.

How is the Indian constitution flexible?

Indian constitution is more flexible than rigid. For example, most of its provisions can be amended by 2/3 majority in the parliament. apart from 2/3 majority in both houses of the parliament, the bill must be passed by at least half of the total state legislatures.

How is the Indian Constitution rigid?

The Indian Constitution is considered rigid because the various states of India, unlike the other federations of the world, do not have the right to make any kinds of amendment in the Constitution. Also, they cannot initiate amendments to the Constitution.

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Is the Indian Constitution wholly rigid or wholly flexible?

The Constitution of India is neither wholly rigid nor wholly flexible. It is partly rigid and partly flexible. It is because of the fact that for the purpose of amendment, our constitution has been divided into three parts: (i) Certain provisions of the constitution can be amended by a simple majority in Parliament. (Flexible)

What is the difference between flexible constitution and rigid constitution?

Based upon the provisions made for its amendment, a constitution can be flexible or rigid or a mixture of both. A flexible constitution can be amended by ordinary law making exercise while a rigid constitution can be amended by a very difficult and special procedure.

What are the features of Indian Constitution?

Indian Constitution is an astonishing mixture of rigidity on one hand and the flexibility on other.. Indian Constitution contains provisions which can be amended by requirement of simple majority of the members of the each house of the Parliament.

Can Parliament amend the basic structure of Indian Constitution?

In fact, wherever the question of Basic Structure comes, the constitution of India, added by its Guardian Supreme Court is “absolutely rigid” and makes it clear that Parliament cannot use its power to amend the Constitution to alter, distort or damage in anyway the basic characteristics and principles of Constitution.