Whats it like being married to an Infj?

Whats it like being married to an Infj?

In their romantic relationships, the INFJ needs a strong amount of emotional intimacy, and their happiest moments are when in deep conversation with their partner, sharing thoughts and feelings. They need their partner to see the value in their creative minds and acknowledge their worldview.

What are INFJs like in relationships?

INFJs are warm, considerate partners who feel great depth of love for their partners. They enjoy showing this love, and want to receive affirmation back from their mates. They are perfectionists, constantly striving to achieve the Perfect Relationship. Sexually, INFJs view intimacy as a nearly spiritual experience.

Are INFJ touchy feely?

They are often extremely sensitive, which causes them to react very strongly to any kind of physical stimulation. INFJs can become overwhelmed when someone attempts to intrude on their space, and may really dislike it when people touch them without being asked.

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What are the traits of INFJ in a relationship?

1 You are introverted. In the context of your relationships, this is one of the rare INFJ relationships traits showing that you prefer quiet and time alone. 2 They are intuitive. If you are involved with an INFJ, you will notice that they think more in abstractions than in concrete details. 3 They are feeling people. 4 Judgment oriented.

Do INFJs need a lot of alone time?

A lot of my world has this understanding that my INFJ husband is a completely different person than me – and, then respecting that space. Yes – he needs a lot of alone time, and I try to respect that by not bugging him when he is clearly disconnecting.

What is the Myer-Briggs Type Indicator personality test?

Most people have heard of the Myer-Briggs type indicator personality test. If you are one of the rare people who has no idea what this is, the “MBTI” is a self-reporting test whose results can shed light on different personality preferences and how people interact with the world around them and what drives their decision-making mechanisms.