
Why is the composition of the inner planets different from that of the outer planets?

Why is the composition of the inner planets different from that of the outer planets?

The inner planets are made of rocky material, which has higher density; these are often known as terrestrial (earth-like) planets. The outer planets are made mostly of low density gases; these are often known as Jovian (Jupiter-like) planets.

How does the size of the outer planets differ from the size of the inner planets?

The smaller, inner planets include Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. The inner planets are rocky and have diameters of less than 13,000 kilometers. The outer planets include Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. The outer planets are called gas giants and have a diameter of greater than 48,000 kilometers.

What are two major differences in composition of the inner and outer planets?

The four inner planets have shorter orbits, slower spin, no rings, and they are made of rock and metal. The four outer planets have longer orbits and spins, a composition of gases and liquids, numerous moons, and rings. The outer planets are made of hydrogen and helium, so they are called gas giants.

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How do the inner planets differ from the outer planets quizlet?

How do the inner planets differ from the outer planets? Inner planets are smaller than the outer planets; gas giants have more gravity; Farther apart, inner planets have a solid surface, Inner planets are hotter, inner planets have a shorter period of revolution. Distance from the sun causes these differences.

What are 4 differences between inner and outer planets?

The four inner planets have shorter orbits, slower spin, no rings, and they are made of rock and metal. The four outer planets have longer orbits and spins, a composition of gases and liquids, numerous moons, and rings.

Why are inner planets smaller than outer planets?

The temperature of the early solar system explains why the inner planets are rocky and the outer ones are gaseous. The inner planets are much smaller than the outer planets and because of this have relatively low gravity and were not able to attract large amounts of gas to their atmospheres.

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How do the inner and outer planets differ based on their characteristics?

The four inner planets have slower orbits, slower spin, no rings, and they are made of rock and metal. The four outer planets have faster orbits and spins, a composition of gases and liquids, numerous moons, and rings. The outer planets are made of hydrogen and helium, so they are called gas giants.

How are the outer planets similar and different?

Outer planets differ from inner planets in composition, size, distance, and mass. Outer planets are made of gases rather than rock and metal like inner planets. Unlike inner planets, outer planets are larger and spaced farther apart.

What is the difference between the inner and outer core?

The inner core and the outer core are made up of similar stuff chemically (both are made mostly of iron, with a little nickel and some other chemical elements)–the difference between them is that the outer core is liquid and the inner core is solid.

How are the inner planets similar?

The Inner Planets They are similar to Earth. All are solid, dense, and rocky. None of the inner planets has rings. Compared to the outer planets, the inner planets are small.

What is the difference between the inner planets and outer planets?

The inner planets are closer to the Sun and are smaller and rockier. The outer planets are further away, larger and made up mostly of gas. The inner planets (in order of distance from the sun, closest to furthest) are Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars.

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What is the average diameter of the outer planets?

The average diameter of the outer planets is 91,041.5 km, vs 9,132.75 km for the inner planets–the inner planets are almost exactly 10 times as dense as the outer planets (Williams 2015). But why do the inner planets have so few moons and no rings when all of the outer planets have rings and many moons?

What are the outer planets in order?

Outer Planets. The outer planets, also known as gas giants, comprise of relatively large planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. As discussed earlier they are situated far from the sun. These planets are mainly composed of gases like hydrogen, helium, methane, etc.

What are the different types of planets?

Inner planets are also known as terrestrial planets. The other four planets, the outermost planets, which are located far from the sun, are categorized as outer planets that include Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.