Tips and tricks

Do INTP like social media?

Do INTP like social media?

INTPs who use social media, will most like take the opportunity to utilize every aspect of it. Being able to explore all of the new ways to use technology, is often exciting for an INTP. They can see so much possibility with various social media accounts, which is something they are eager to understand.

Are INTP special?

Their inability to simple walk the straight and narrow path, might make them seem weird to some, but in reality it makes the INTP incredibly special and often highly intelligent people. People often misunderstand them, and don’t realize that the INTP also has deep emotions and can be very caring people.

Are INTPs disorganized?

INTPs can become rather messy, especially since they live so much inside of their inner minds. They can go days without picking up after themselves, simply because they forget about the physical world around them.

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What are INTP personality types known for?

The INTP Personality Type. INTPs are philosophical innovators, fascinated by logical analysis, systems, and design. They are preoccupied with theory, and search for the universal law behind everything they see. They want to understand the unifying themes of life, in all their complexity.

Why are INTPs so ruthless with their content?

The world outside of themselves is where intriguing new patterns are observed, and it’s up to them to make sense of what those possibilities could mean. A logically consistent argument is the proof that supports their speculation. This is why INTPs must be so ruthless with their content and data.

How rare is an INTP?

INTP is one of the less common types in the population, especially for women. Among women, INTP is the fourth rarest type (after INTJ, ENTJ, and INFJ). INTPs make up: 3\% of the general population; 5\% of men; 2\% of women

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Do intjs have a lot of insecurity?

The insecurity an INTJ faces is more of a well-guarded secret. INTJs are surprisingly sensitive, and as mentioned in our article about the INTJ personality type, anyone they let in can do real damage. The insecurity lies in just how amazingly vulnerable they are to others.