Tips and tricks

What should I not combine with retinol?

What should I not combine with retinol?

Don’t Mix: Retinol with vitamin C, benzoyl peroxide, and AHA/BHA acids. AHA and BHA acids are exfoliating, which can dry out skin and cause further irritation if your skincare routine already includes retinol.

Can I use retinol vitamin C and hyaluronic acid together?

Is it a good idea to combine Vitamin C, Retinol and Hyaluronic Acid in a skincare routine? Yes. These ingredients work well when used individually and even better when paired together.

What faces should not be mixed with vitamin C?

AHAs and BHAs, such as glycolic, salicylic, and lactic acids should never be used with Vitamin C. Vitamin C is an acid, too, and is unstable, so the pH balance will be thrown off by layering these ingredients together and might as well be useless.

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Can you mix vitamin C and niacinamide?

However, there are plenty of powerful skincare ingredients that can be mixed without causing negative reactions. In fact, many of them become even more potent when combined. Take Niacinamide + Vitamin C: this pair makes an especially powerful combination.

Can I use vitamin C with salicylic acid?

Don’t mix… vitamin C and acidic ingredients, like glycolic or salicylic acid. Like Wee says, it’s all about the pH! So using them with acidic ingredients like glycolic or salicylic acid can alter its pH, which can reduce the effectiveness of your vitamin C.

Can I use retinol and vitamin C together the ordinary?

As long as you choose a vitamin C derivative that is close in pH to your retinol, then you can use them at the same time, since they will not destabilize each other.

Should you use vitamin C in the morning or night?

Use vitamin C serums in the morning. There’s certainly no law against using vitamin C products in the evening, but you may get the most benefit from using them in the morning. “In general vitamin C products should be applied in the morning before heading out for the day, when UV radiation is at its highest,” Dr.

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Can niacinamide and vitamin C be used together?

So, can you use niacinamide and vitamin C together? The short answer to your question: yes, you can. It’s also worth pointing out that vitamin C is naturally found in our skin: “If the two ingredients weren’t compatible, we’d all suffer when using topical niacinamide,” says Arch.

Does vitamin C cancel out retinol?

It’s best to apply Vitamin C before Retinol, as Vitamin C has a lower pH than Retinol. Once your skin absorbs the Vitamin C serum, your skin will return to its regular pH levels after 30 minutes or so. (You want your skin to return to its normal pH levels so vitamin C doesn’t lower the pH of retinol.)

Is vitamin C or retinol better?

Since vitamin C helps protect skin from the harmful effects of UV rays and free radicals, it’s advised to apply it to your skin in the morning. Retinol, on the other hand, can increase your skin’s sensitivity to the sun, so dermatologists recommend applying retinol at night.

What happens if you mix vitamin C and retinol together?

The retinol will become less active , and the vitamin C will have a reduced ability to get into your skin. Essentially, they will both become less effective! The next thing to think about is whether the ingredients are oil-soluble or water-soluble. Retinol is oil-soluble, so it will only dissolve in oil.

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What are the best retinol alternatives?

Dr. King notes that another excellent option that combines vitamin C with a retinol alternative is Ghost Democracy’s Lightbulb vitamin C serum. “It contains vitamin C and also bakuchiol — an extract of the Babchi plant used in Ayurvedic medicine.”

What’s the best vitamin C serum to use with retinol?

Dr. King suggests this powerful serum. Not only does the vitamin C improve the overall appearance of the skin, but the added hyaluronic acid leaves the skin fully moisturized. Dr. King notes that another excellent option that combines vitamin C with a retinol alternative is Ghost Democracy’s Lightbulb vitamin C serum.

Can you use retinol and L-ascorbic acid at the same time?

If you must use retinol and L-ascorbic acid at the same time, separate them by 30 minutes. Apply your vitamin C first, since it has the lower pH of the two. Then, wait half an hour before you apply your retinol. Incorporating the waiting period allows your skin’s pH to return to normal, so each ingredient can work at its intended pH.