How often do atheists think about the meaning of life?

How often do atheists think about the meaning of life?

About a third of American atheists say they think about the meaning and purpose of life at least weekly (35\%), and that they often feel a deep sense of spiritual peace and well-being (31\%).

Do atheists feel wonder in the universe?

In fact, the Religious Landscape Study shows that atheists are more likely than U.S. Christians to say they often feel a sense of wonder about the universe (54\% vs. 45\%). 6 Where do atheists find meaning in life?

Are there any atheists in the United States?

Not surprisingly, very few U.S. atheists (4\%) said they found life’s meaning in spirituality. 7 In many cases, being an atheist isn’t just about personally rejecting religious labels and beliefs – most atheists also express negative views when asked about the role of religion in society.

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Why is atheism the opposite of religion?

“Atheism” is not the opposite of “religion”. It is religion that offers specific dogmatic “purpose” to your life. You can be non-religious and still be a theist, and you could be an atheist but still be religious (buddhism, for example). “Purpose” is always subjective.

Do atheists have more meaningful hobbies?

But atheists were far more likely than Christians to describe hobbies as meaningful or satisfying (26\% vs. 10\%). Atheists also were more likely than Americans overall to describe finances and money, creative pursuits, travel, and leisure activities as meaningful.

What percentage of Americans are atheists?

Pew Research Center telephone surveys conducted in 2018 and 2019 show that 4\% of American adults say they are atheists when asked about their religious identity, up from 2\% in 2009. An additional 5\% of Americans call themselves agnostics, up from 3\% a decade ago.