
How did Faramir live so long?

How did Faramir live so long?

I can’t back this with a quote or anything, but I’m pretty sure it says that Faramir had received by some chance much of the blood of Numenor, so therefore he would live longer than the average man, or Steward. There would have been more Numenorean blood in the earlier Gondorians, hence Mardil’s long age.

How was Faramir hurt?

He was gravely wounded by a Southron arrow and the Black Breath of the Nazgûl. Fortunately, all of the mounted soldiers in the city rode to his aid and brought him back to Denethor in Minas Tirith. When Faramir returned unconscious, Denethor believed him to be fatally injured.

Who rules Rohan after Theoden dies?

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His nephew Éomer succeeded him as King of Rohan. In July he returned to Minas Tirith and brought Théoden’s body back to Edoras. On 10 August the funeral of Théoden took place.

How does Faramir know Gandalf?

When Faramir was five years old, Finduilas died. Her death caused Denethor to become detached from his family. It was this interest that formed a friendship between Faramir and Gandalf the Grey. The youngest son of Denethor learned of what he could from Gandalf’s wisdom and mentoring.

Why did Gandalf care about Faramir?

Because Gandalf is a merciful spirit who abounds in pity. The thought of Denothor burning his son alive in a pagan sacrifice was too much for him to bear. It may be that such a dark evil act would have serious spiritual consequences that would doom Gondor.

Why did Gandalf rescue Faramir from the fire?

Gandalf’s decision to rescue Faramir from the fire is of a similar sort. It was his moral duty to act for good in a concrete situation when no one else could, even if it meant other unknown evils would likely come to pass, with terrible consequences.

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Why did Aragorn choose Faramir over Merry and Pippin?

In short: because Pippin pleaded with him to do so, and because Faramir was a good man. Earlier, Aragorn had to make a similar choice, and decided to lay aside all other concerns in order to try and rescue Merry and Pippin.

What is the relationship between Faramir and Frodo like?

At this point, Faramir and Frodo have had a long full day of talking together about everything from their friendship with Gandalf to elves, and Faramir already has promised to help Frodo with his errand: he’s just trying to reconcile his marching orders with Frodo’s. They have come to like and respect one another.

What happened to Faramir in The Lord of the Rings?

Faramir snaps out of it, but instead of giving any coherent answer, Frodo goes insane and starts trying to crawl through the walls. Sam begs for Faramir to have a little pity, and finallyreveals their errand, to destroy the Ring. But the movie’s Faramir has come by a very different route to that vital bit of information.