What do Russians really think of the west?

What do Russians really think of the west?

In January 2015, negative perceptions of the West in Russia rose to the highest level ever recorded in the history of Russian public opinion polling. Eighty-one percent of people surveyed had a negative perception of the United States, while a mere 13 percent had a positive view.

Is the current West vs Russia hysteria two-sided?

You can also stand in Red Square in Moscow and yell, “Down with Reagan!”, and you won’t be punished either. The current West vs Russia hysteria is most certainly two-sided. But unlike Russian mass media, mainstream western media is able to criticise its own leaders and hold them to account for their actions.

What is the relationship between the US and the west like?

In the quarter century of post-Soviet development, perceptions of the US and the West in general have gone through different phases, but resentment towards the West has been gradually accumulating throughout the period. During Mikhail Gorbachev’s perestroika, the West, the Soviet Union’s Cold War adversary, suddenly became its friendly partner.

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Who’s to blame for the Russia-US relations crisis?

For Paul R Pillar, a senior fellow at the Centre for Security Studies at Georgetown University and a former senior CIA officer, the initial fault lies with the West. “The relationship went wrong when the West did not treat Russia as a nation that had shaken off Soviet Communism,” he told me.


Does the west seek any conflict with Russia?

Shorn of Marxist-Leninism, the Kremlin today is driven by an ideologically versatile illiberalism willing to work with any political faction amenable to its revisionist aims. To paraphrase Vladimir Lenin, the West may not seek any conflict with Russia, but Russia seeks conflict with the West.

Are Russia’s relations with the US and the EU hostile?

Forty-two percent described Russia’s relations with the US as “hostile”, up from 4 percent just one year ago. One out of four Russians thought relations with the EU were hostile – whereas two years ago, in January 2013, only one person out of a hundred saw Russia-EU relations in this light.

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