
How do you get your neighbor to stop weeds?

How do you get your neighbor to stop weeds?

  1. Edging. Some weeds spread through their root system.
  2. Hedges or Fences. Thick hedges (think yews, arborvitae or privet) can act as a barrier to windblown seeds such as dandelion.
  3. Pre-emergent Herbicide.
  4. Mulch or Rocks.
  5. Fortified Lawn.

Can you complain about Neighbours weeds?

If weeds or brambles and the like in a neighbour’s garden are causing problems on your side of the property boundary, it can amount to a nuisance which you can report to the Environmental Health Department of your local council who can pursue legal action.

How do you deal with a Neighbours nuisance?

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How to deal with nuisance neighbours

  1. Visit them at a convenient time, such as the weekend or when they’re in their garden.
  2. Begin with a normal conversation, don’t start with a complaint.
  3. Calmly explain how they’re problem, such as noise after a certain time, is affecting you.
  4. Offer a solution.

Can neighbors look over fence?

2 attorney answers You have no legal expectation of privacy in public areas and areas visible from the public space/where your neighbor has the right to be, without the aid of telescopic equipment. If your neighbor can see you from his own property…

Can my Neighbour screw things to my fence?

If the attachment is on his/her side of the fence, then yes your neighbor may attach something, as long as that something does not damage your side of the fence. Commonly, fences are built along property lines. On one side of the fence is your property, while the other side is on your neighbor’s property.

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Can I legally paint my side of Neighbours fence?

Your neighbour doesn’t have to change a wall or fence just because you want them to, for example making it higher for privacy. You can’t make changes to your side without their permission, such as painting it. If the wall or fence seems dangerous, point this out because your neighbour might not be aware.

What can I do to help my Neighbor clean up their yard?

Do a little bit of research and discover charitable organizations that can help your neighbor clean up their yard and unkept property. A homeowners association, or an HOA, is a group of property owners in a community that enforces property standards, rules and regulations of each home within the neighborhood.

What can I do about my Neighbor’s tree on my property?

If you’ve spoken to your neighbor about the tree issue, and he hasn’t done anything about it you do have laws that protect you. The tree may constitute a nuisance, by interfering with your use and enjoyment of your own property.

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Can I Sue my Neighbor for tree roots spreading on my property?

Whether you are liable for damages to your neighbor’s property caused by the spreading roots of a tree on your property depends on what state you live in. In most situations, a neighbor who is bothered or worried by encroaching branches or roots of a healthy tree won’t be able to successfully sue the tree owner.

How to deal with difficult neighbours?

By making the effort to build a relationship with your neighbors, you are taking one step closer to resolving your issue. Even try bringing them cookies to get the conversation started. After you have established a solid relationship with your neighbors, try broaching the topic. Ask your neighbor if they can help you with your predicament.