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Can House Stark continue?

Can House Stark continue?

Through Sansa, the Stark name can still be carried on. Although the series finale of Game of Thrones signaled the end of many houses’ dynasties, House Stark won’t yet go extinct quite yet, even though they were left without a proper male heir.

What happened to all the Stark siblings?

The head of the house, Ned Stark, was beheaded by Joffrey Baratheon back in Season 1. His wife, Catelyn Stark, died at the Red Wedding, along with her eldest son, Robb Stark. And Rickon Stark was killed by Ramsay Bolton during the Battle of the Bastards. But against all odds, the rest of the kids survived.

Can bran have heirs?

In the last episode, Sansa tells the Council that Bran makes a good King because he can have no children of his own.

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Who survives in the Stark family?

Presently, the North and Vale are reintegrated into the Seven Kingdoms. As of the end of Season 7, the current positions of the surviving members of House Stark are as follows: Jon is Warden of the North, Sansa is Lady of Winterfell, Arya is Sansa’s heir, and Bran abdicated his claim to any formal political position.

What happened to the rest of the Stark family?

Lord {Rickard Stark}, the former head of the family. Lord of Winterfell, Lord Paramount of the North, and Warden of the North. Burned alive with wildfire on the orders of Aerys II. {Brandon Stark}, his eldest son and heir, called “the Wild Wolf”.

Is House Stark doomed?

House Stark is not doomed. Bran is the only surviving legitimate male Stark but he is probably unlikely to father children due to his disability. But he is not the only Stark alive. Since some of our members seem to believe that Bran can have intercourse and that medical science in Planetos and our world are same, I’d like to quote Eddard Stark:

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Are there any male Starks left in Game of Thrones?

According to the family tree in A World of Ice and FireNed Stark’s children are in fact the only surviving Starks. And as of S06E09; Bran is the only legitimate, male Stark. In the Season Six Finale it is revealed that; Jon is in fact the Son of Lyanna Stark and most likely, Rhaegar Targaryen.

Are Ned Stark’s children the only surviving Starks?

According to the family tree in A World of Ice and Fire Ned Stark’s children are in fact the only surviving Starks. And as of S06E09; In the Season Six Finale it is revealed that; This means that…