
When people say you know what Im saying?

When people say you know what Im saying?

used to ask if someone understands or agrees with you, especially if you have not expressed yourself very clearly: It’s just the best feeling, know what I’m saying?

What does you know what I’m saying mean?

Hip-hop popularized a similar formula—“know what I’m sayin’?”—frequently used when there is little or no doubt about what is being said. It means something like “right?” It’s time to retire this worn-out phrase—know what I’m sayin’?

Why do people say you know in conversations?

People use it to show that they have a common understanding. Sometimes people use an acknowledgment marker because they want to know if you agree with them. Other times, they use it as a way to fill spaces in a conversation or discussion. Saying “you know” gives the speaker time to think of what to say next.

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What to say instead of you know what I’m saying?

What is another word for you know what I’m saying?

I mean like
well you know
you know what I mean so
look y’know
shall we say erm

What I’m saying is synonym?

adage, aphorism, apophthegm, axiom, byword, dictum, gnome, maxim, proverb, saw, slogan.

Do u know what I’m saying in Spanish?

do you understand what I am saying? ¿entiende lo que le digo?

What does it mean to not understand what the other person feels?

The phrase suggests that you don’t truly understand what the other person feels at all. (Really, how could you?) It suggests that you feel the need to turn the conversation toward your experience, not his or hers, and that ultimately you don’t really care about that person’s concerns after all.

What does it mean when a guy says you know?

“You know” is often tacked on to the end of statements to make them sound less declarative and more consensus building. I say it to get you to nod, or smile, or react affirmatively to what I’m saying. It’s the verbal version of a hand on a shoulder or a wink.

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Why do people say they don’t want to be found out?

The main reason they say this is because they don’t want to be found out. They don’t want to be discovered. If people were to get to the core or find out any bit of internal discovery about that person then they would have grounds for making decisions or soliciting opinions about them.

What does it mean when a speaker says ‘You Know’ a lot?

It is an indication of nervousness and a lack of confidence…instead of letting the thought just shared breath and settle in with the audience, the speaker tries to fill every second with words and ‘you know’ is a go to phrase for many. Two thoughts if this is a problem you have or want to make sure you don’t have: