
Why is return inside Finally bad?

Why is return inside Finally bad?

No, it’s not a bad practice. Putting return where it makes sense improves readability and maintainability and makes your code simpler to understand. You shouldn’t care as finally block will get executed if a return statement is encountered. The finally will be executed no matter what, so it doesn’t matter.

Why finally block always executed Java?

A finally block is always get executed whether the exception has occurred or not. If an exception occurs like closing a file or DB connection, then the finally block is used to clean up the code. We cannot say the finally block is always executes because sometimes if any statement like System.

When finally block will not execute in Java?

Condition where finally block is not executed in Java When the System. exit() method is called in the try block before the execution of finally block, finally block will not be executed.

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Can a return or break statement exit a finally block?

Never use return , break , continue , or throw statements within a finally block. When program execution enters a try block that has a finally block, the finally block always executes regardless of whether the try block (or any associated catch blocks) executes to normal completion.

Can we return from finally block in Java?

Yes you can write the return statement in a finally block and it will override the other return value. The output is always 2, as we are returning 2 from the finally block.

Do things return after Java?

Yes, the finally block will be executed even after a return statement in a method. The finally block will always execute even an exception occurred or not in Java. If we call the System.

Does finally execute after return Java?

Yes, the finally block will be executed even after a return statement in a method. The finally block will always execute even an exception occurred or not in Java. If we call the System. Other than these conditions, the finally block will be always executed.

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Does the finally block always execute?

A finally block always executes, regardless of whether an exception is thrown. The following code example uses a try / catch block to catch an ArgumentOutOfRangeException.

What is the role of finally block and what happens if we don’t use finally block along with try catch block?

2. Finally block is optional, as we have seen in previous tutorials that a try-catch block is sufficient for exception handling, however if you place a finally block then it will always run after the execution of try block.

Can we return in finally block Java?

Yes, we can write a return statement of the method in catch and finally block. If we return a value in the catch block and we can return a value at the end of the method, the code will execute successfully.

Will finally block execute after return Java?

Yes, the finally block will be executed even after a return statement in a method. The finally block will always execute even an exception occurred or not in Java.

Will the finally block be executed after a return statement in Java?

Yes, the finally block will be executed even after a return statement in a method. The finally block will always execute even an exception occurred or not in Java.

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What happens if you return from inside a finally block?

Returning from inside a finally block will cause exceptions to be lost. A return statement inside a finally block will cause any exception that might be thrown in the try or catch block to be discarded.

What happens if there is an exception in the finally block?

The finally block will always execute even an exception occurred or not in Java. If we call the System.exit () method explicitly in the finally block then only it will not be executed. There are few situations where the finally will not be executed like JVM crash, power failure, software crash and etc.

Can We have a return statement in the catch or finally blocks?

Can we have a return statement in the catch or, finally blocks in Java? Yes, we can write a return statement of the method in catch and finally block. There is a situation where a method will have a return type and we can return some value at any part of the method based on the conditions.