
Was Benjamin Franklin a delegate?

Was Benjamin Franklin a delegate?

Quickly resuming his political efforts in America upon his return in 1785, Franklin became a delegate to the 1787 national Constitutional Convention. Delegates to the convention struggled to reach an agreement on how representation in the Federal government should be organized.

Was Benjamin Franklin involved in the Declaration of Independence?

Benjamin Franklin primarily served as the editor of the Declaration of Independence. His changes were believed to have been minimal, but, when the document went before the entire Continental Congress, the draft was more thoroughly changed by the larger body from Jefferson’s original text.

Was Benjamin Franklin a member of the Constitutional Convention?

Although Franklin was eighty-one years old and in generally poor health, he participated as a delegate to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia with George Washington presiding. Many of the delegates had widely different ideas about how the country should be organized and run, including Franklin.

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Who were the delegates at the Constitutional Convention?

The delegates included many of the leading figures of the period. Among them were George Washington, who was elected to preside, James Madison, Benjamin Franklin, James Wilson, John Rutledge, Charles Pinckney, Oliver Ellsworth, and Gouverneur Morris.

Why was Benjamin Franklin at the Constitutional Convention?

In 1787, he was a Pennsylvania delegate to the Constitutional Convention. (The 81-year-old Franklin was the convention’s oldest delegate.) At the end of the convention, in September 1787, he urged his fellow delegates to support the heavily debated new document.

What did Ben Franklin want in the Constitutional Convention?

He believed that the major achievement of the Constitutional Convention was the unification of the states. Although the new Constitution did not have the anti-slavery clause he had hoped for, he signed it nonetheless, “recognizing the greater goal of unity.”

What was Benjamin Franklin’s role at the Constitutional Convention?

Benjamin Franklin’s Later Years In 1787, he was a Pennsylvania delegate to the Constitutional Convention. (The 81-year-old Franklin was the convention’s oldest delegate.) At the end of the convention, in September 1787, he urged his fellow delegates to support the heavily debated new document.

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Did Benjamin Franklin attend the Constitutional Convention in 1786?

In all, 55 delegates attended the Constitutional Convention sessions, but only 39 actually signed the Constitution. The delegates ranged in age from Jonathan Dayton, aged 26, to Benjamin Franklin, aged 81, who was so infirm that he had to be carried to sessions in a sedan chair.

What was the main point of Benjamin Franklin speech in the convention?

What is the main point of Benjamin Franklin’s Speech in the Convention? The Constitutional Convention should support the Constitution because the document is as good as it is likely to be.

Who was not at the Constitutional Convention?

The original states, except Rhode Island, collectively appointed 70 individuals to the Constitutional Convention, but a number did not accept or could not attend. Those who did not attend included Richard Henry Lee, Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Samuel Adams and, John Hancock.

What is the context of Benjamin Franklin speech in the convention?

The “Speech to the Convention” was written by Benjamin Franklin and delivered on his behalf at the Constitutional Convention in 1787. In this brief speech, Franklin seeks to persuade his fellow delegates to sign the newly drafted Constitution, which is not perfect but “near to perfection.”

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Who was the oldest and youngest delegate to the Constitutional Convention?

Benjamin Franklin was the oldest delegate at 81 years old. The youngest was Jonathan Dayton, representative from New Jersey, he was 26. Franklin had written a speech that he planned giving on the last day of the Convention, Monday September 17, 1787, before the signing of the Constitution.

Who were the delegates to the Constitutional Convention of 1787?

Delegates to the Constitutional Convention 1 Richard Bassett 2 Gunning Bedford Jr. 3 Jacob Broom 4 John Dickinson 5 George Read

What was Benjamin Franklin’s role on the Congressional Committee?

Franklin was appointed to a Congressional committee charged with conferring with political and military authorities on the best means of defense. This broadside signed by Franklin as president of the Pennsylvania Convention, urges the provincial militia to march with expedition, disregarding any reports to the contrary.

Which founding fathers signed the declaration of Independence?

Benjamin Franklin is the only founding father to have signed all four of the key documents establishing the U.S.: the Declaration of Independence (1776), the Treaty of Alliance with France (1778), the Treaty of Paris establishing peace with Great Britain (1783) and the U.S. Constitution (1787).