
Do you have to read the Harry Potter books before watching the movies?

Do you have to read the Harry Potter books before watching the movies?

Definitely read the books first. Every one of the HP books are great and that’s why I’ve read them all, from 1 to 7, 8 times and counting. It’s a magical world Harry lives in and they are magical books. As a general rule, books should be read before watching a movie if you plan to read the book.

What percentage of people have read all the Harry Potter books and seen all the movies?

25\% of Americans had seen all of the movies and 61\% had seen at least one. Again among 18-34 year-olds, the percentages grew, to respectively 38\% and 76\%.

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Are the Harry Potter books more detailed than the movies?

Even though the books are extremely long and detailed, the movies were made by people who made poor decisions about cutting out scenes and adding them in. There are so many things in the books that are cut in the actual movie but that made it the HARRY POTTER.

Do the Harry Potter movies follow the books?

The eight “Harry Potter” films are based on a series of seven books, and it’s understandable that they couldn’t show every single detail. However, some of the details that were left out of the films were really important to the plot of the story, and without them, viewers may not understand what’s happening.

What percentage of people havent seen Harry Potter?

Almost Three Out of Four Are Aware of Potter Books Seventy-one percent of adult Americans say that they are aware of the Harry Potter books, while only 29\% are unaware, underscoring the widespread nature of the Potter phenomenon across American society.

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How many people have read all of the Harry Potter books?

In honor of the release of the final Harry Potter film, we thought we’d ask a few questions about the Harry Potter series. According to our results, 18\% of those surveyed had read all of the Harry Potter books—a whopping 4000 pages in total—and 31\% had read at least one of the books.

Was Harry Potter a good influence on society?

39\% thought that it was a good influence and had positive lessons to teach. These responses skewed across political ideologies—32\% of those who identified themself as Conservative condemned the Harry Potter books for portraying witchcraft, while 57\% of those who identified themself as Liberal considered the books a positive influence.

Who do you like or admire most in the Harry Potter series?

Finally, we inquired about which characters respondents liked or admired the most. Harry Potter came in first, with 85\% of respondents saying they admired him. He was then followed by Hermione Granger with 78\%, Albus Dumbledore with 76\%, Ron Weasley with 72\% and Rubeus Hagrid with 62\%.