Why is there no basketball in the UK?

Why is there no basketball in the UK?

The basketball community in Britain, both natives and hoop journeymen, believe the game suffers due to lack of structure, poor government support and funding and little to no national media exposure. “There’s a lot of young talent.

Is basketball good in the UK?

While this may seem hard to believe from the UK perspective with such public dominance here in rugby, cricket, and primarily football – basketball is generally considered to be the second most popular sport throughout the rest of the world. provides even further evidence of the saturated sport marketplace in the UK.

Is basketball common in England?

According to the Department of Culture, Media and Sport, for instance, basketball is now the second most popular sport played in the UK by 11- to 15-year-olds, with 32\% of children playing (only football – with 54\% – was more popular).

Is there pro basketball in England?

The British Basketball League (BBL) is a men’s professional basketball league in Great Britain and represents the highest level of play in the country. The league is contested by 10 teams, with representation from both England and Scotland.

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What sport is most popular UK?

The Top Five Sports in the UK

  • Football. Football is the most popular game played in the U.K. and follows a traditional league system which consists of more than one hundred teams.
  • Cricket. Cricket is the national sport of the U.K. and became popular in the U.K. in the 17th century.
  • Rugby.
  • Badminton.
  • Tennis.

Why basketball is not popular in India?

Laziness and discomfort of Indian people in playing aggressive physical games and contact sports. 8. Scarcity of good coaches or sports/PE teachers in schools and colleges to introduce youngsters to basketball and lay emphasis on the importance of playing outdoor team sports. Most schools/colleges don’t have any.