
Is it normal to regret becoming a mom?

Is it normal to regret becoming a mom?

Psychologist Natasha Tiwari, CEO of The Veda Group, which provides mental health support to families, says: “Experiencing regret in becoming a mother is more common than many would guess. “The stigma means most will never find someone they feel safe with to discuss their feelings.

Is it normal to always be tired as a mom?

Exhaustion and stress are totally normal symptoms of being a mom. The way we live when our kids are young isn’t always healthy, but personal health kind of takes a back seat to the 20 million other things moms have to do. It can be scarily easy for a mom to overlook her own wellbeing when something is wrong.

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Why do I feel like an awful mom?

Anything can trigger the bad mom blues: feeling like you work too many hours or too few; thinking you don’t get out of the house with your kids for enough outside activities; feeling like they participate in too many activities; believing your family’s meals aren’t nutritious enough; worrying that you don’t spend …

What is mommy fatigue?

Mommy fatigue is a form of exhaustion that occurs as a result of feeling physically and emotionally overwhelmed by parenting. An exhausted mom often experiences fears related to not being good enough, relinquishing control, and losing her sense of self.

What is “regretting motherhood?

The scientists researched a phenomenon which is called “regretting motherhood” Most mothers are mothers by their own will and said that they love their children, but are feeling so unhappy in their mother role that they deeply regret the step to have children.

Do mothers feel unhappy in their role?

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Most mothers are mothers by their own will and said that they love their children, but are feeling so unhappy in their mother role that they deeply regret the step to have children. I stumbled upon the following post when I was further researching online, and what I read did really touch me.

Why should a child always feel indebted to his/her mother?

A child should always feel indebted to his/her mother because nobody else including the father sacrifices so much as the mother to bring us up. Mother is compassion and for a young kid, Mother is God!

What do Moms miss most about their husbands?

They might laugh when they reply, but dig deeper, and they’ll talk longingly about the things they miss—newspapers in bed on a Sunday morning; patio drinks that spill into raucous nights out; long, leisurely lovemaking sessions with their husbands—and all the opportunities they’ve passed up by having kids.