How much does a DRDO scientist earn?

How much does a DRDO scientist earn?


Grade Level in Pay Matrix Initial Pay in Pay Matrix ‎₹
Scientist ‘G’ Level 14 1,44,200/-
Scientist ‘H’ (Outstanding Scientist) Level 15 1,82,200/-
Distinguished Scientist (DS) Level 16 2,05,400/-
Secretary, Department of Defence R&D and Chairman, DRDO Level 17 2,25,000/-

Which field is best for DRDO?

Answer. Krishna DRDO preferred all the branches of engineering specially related to ECE / EEE / E & I / Civil / Mechanical etc.

Is working in DRDO good?

DRDO, India’s largest and most diverse organisation is a great place to work in. Along with a chance to work with the best minds of the country, the job guarantees good pay and work life balance.

Is DRDO scientist B gazetted officer?

DRDS scientists are Gazetted (Group A) defence-civilian officers under the Ministry of Defence. …

What do scientists do in DRDO?

With a network of 52 laboratories, which are engaged in developing defence technologies covering various fields, like aeronautics, armaments, electronics, land combat engineering, life sciences, materials, missiles, and naval systems, DRDO is India’s largest and most diverse research organisation.

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How is the life of DRDO scientist B?

Typical day in the life of an DRDO scientist/engineer depends on the lab/group, in which he/she is posted. You will be a first class gazetted officer but outside the wall of DRDO life is just like a normal citizen. Being a government job, work timing is not flexible. You have to adhere to the lab timing.

How to apply for DRDO Scientist B?

To Apply for DRDO Scientist B follow the instructions given below. The candidates have to first register themselves on the link that we have provided below. After successful registration, the candidates will have to be present at the given date, time, and venue on the particular date.

What is the eligibility criteria for DRDO interview?

Eligible candidates will be shortlisted for Personal interview on the basis of valid GATE score in the ratio of 1:5 subject to their availability in order of discipline-wise category-wise merit list. All the candidates have to apply for DRDO by 10th July 2020. The candidates must register themselves on the website given above.

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What is the difference between DRDO and Hqrs?

DG’s normally moderate the requirement and finally HQrs takes the decision in consultation with DGs how many each Lab will get. While DRDO asks for your location priority but labs will be allocated basis your core area, the requirements of labs and no of people available in your batch.