
What is the meaning of turbulence in physics?

What is the meaning of turbulence in physics?

turbulent flow
turbulence, In fluid mechanics, a flow condition (see turbulent flow) in which local speed and pressure change unpredictably as an average flow is maintained. Common examples are wind and water swirling around obstructions, or fast flow (Reynolds number greater than 2,100) of any sort.

What is turbulence in biology?

turbulence. (Science: radiobiology) violent macroscopic fluctuations which can develop under certain conditions in fluids and plasmas and which usually result in the rapid transfer of energy through the medium.

What is a turbulence in geography?

The definition of turbulence is fairly straightforward: chaotic and capricious eddies of air, disturbed from a calmer state by various forces. Just as ocean waves break on a beach, air also forms waves as it encounters mountains.

What is turbulence effect?

A turbulent flow can be caused by restrictions in an installation, such as valves or adapters, in combination with a high velocity of the used fluid. This effect is known as ‘turbulence effect’. A turbulent flow can affect the accuracy of your measurement, something you would like to prevent.

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What are the different types of turbulence?

Here are the 7 most common types of turbulence:

  • 1) Clear Air Turbulence.
  • 2) Thermal Turbulence.
  • 3) Temperature Inversion Turbulence.
  • 4) Mechanical Turbulence.
  • 5) Frontal Turbulence.
  • 6) Mountain Wave Turbulence.
  • 7) Thunderstorm Turbulence.

What is turbulent flow in blood vessels?

Laminar flow is characteristic of a healthy artery such as the femoral artery. Turbulent flow describes a situation where the flow pathway becomes disorganized, layers break formation, and eddy currents are formed.

What is called turbulence?

In fluid dynamics, turbulence or turbulent flow is fluid motion characterized by chaotic changes in pressure and flow velocity. It is in contrast to a laminar flow, which occurs when a fluid flows in parallel layers, with no disruption between those layers.

What is turbulence in the atmosphere?

Atmospheric turbulence usually refers to the three-dimensional, chaotic flow of air in the Earth’s atmosphere with a time scale of less than 1 sec to typically 1 h. Most of the atmosphere above the ABL is not turbulent, although turbulence can occur throughout the atmosphere.

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What is turbulent in personality?

Turbulent (-T) Personality Turbulent individuals are success-driven, perfectionistic, and eager to improve. They are always trying to counterbalance their self-doubts by achieving more. Turbulent personality types tend to notice little problems and often do something about them before they become larger ones.