
Is it possible to study 16 hours daily?

Is it possible to study 16 hours daily?

Yes you can study 16-20 hours during your exam days, but not everyday and even if you will able to do so, you will stop studying in a month or two. Hence, take good amount of sleep and concentrate on the quality instead of quantity.

How can I study for 16 hours?

Having said that here are seven steps you can take to study long hours without getting overly tired or drowsy:

  1. Prioritize your schedule: take up difficult topics early in the day.
  2. Exercise.
  3. Steal a nap.
  4. Eat to maintain energy levels.
  5. Conserve your mental energy.
  6. Take regular breaks.
  7. If possible, study/ work in daylight.

How can I study 17 hours in a day?

How can I study 18 hours per day?

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Is it possible to study 20 hours a day?

Yes you can study 20 hours but you are not get any benefits form this because you need at least 6 hrs sleep and 2 hrs break so if you want ton study you take at least 2 hrs break and 6 hrs sleep also good for health Originally Answered: can we study 20 hours a day?

How many hours of sleep do you need to study?

An average person atleast needs 6 hours of sleep to remain fresh. Add an hour of eating, bathing and shitting (Dont skip shitting. Pooping is healthy). The maximum a person is advised to study is 17 hours. The max I ever slogged was being in the library for 16 hours.

How can I study for long hours without getting distracted?

To study for long hours, eat a healthy snack, like yogurt or fruit, before you get started, since a hungry stomach will distract you. After you start studying, try to switch topics or units after about an hour, which will help you stay focused. For example, if you’re studying World War II for a history test, spend an hour on the events

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What are the disadvantages of long hours of study?

Also sitting for long hours can harm you physically such as muscle numbing, backache, obesity etc. Effective and not prolonged study should be done. Adopt a methodology for your studies. Simply reading and mugging up wont help you and will decieve you later in life.