What is hard work and discipline?

What is hard work and discipline?

Hard work gives us the opportunity to improve ourselves. Hard work will help us develop self-discipline and focus on our goals. Hard work teaches us discipline, dedication and determination. Hard work is definitely important because it is only through hard work that we can achieve the goals of our life.

How does hardwork build discipline?

When you discipline yourself to do what is hard, you gain access to a realm of results that are denied everyone else. It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in — hard work can be used to achieve positive long-term results regardless of the specifics.

What is the difference between hard work and effort?

Note: An effort can be understood as a try on something while hard work shows some level of specialization attained. If the job done by you is enjoyed by you then the effort can lead to hard work and also if you are good at a particular job or service then also effort leads to hard work.

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What is the difference between hard work and struggle?

When you struggle, it’s painful and gives you little or no pleasure. But working hard can be accompanied by a gratifying feeling of accomplishment. You’re pushing your limits, but enjoying the process, or at least the outcome.

What does work discipline mean?

Employee discipline isn’t a matter of dominance or punishment. It’s about making the work environment safe and pleasant for both employees and management. In order to maintain order and respect in the workplace, you need to have a plan in place that will benefit everyone involved.

What does it mean to develop discipline?

Developing your discipline is a lot like working out. At first, the muscles of the body are flabby but in a very short time, they become strong and carry you with endurance. How can you build your discipline? Think of something you can do in a short period of time (15 minutes).

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Is discipline a choice or a rule?

When you understand discipline as a choice, you are in control—not anyone or anything else. More discipline, more choice, more control. Less discipline, less choice, less control. I want to get up at 4:45am and workout. I have a four month-old son who usually wakes up at 6:00am and, like all babies, needs a lot of time and attention.

Is discipline internal or external?

It is internal. Discipline is not obedience to someone else’s standards to avoid punishment. It is learning and applying intentional standards to achieve meaningful objectives. Discipline is a choice . . . your choice.

What is the difference between disciple and discipline?

The word “disciple” comes from the Latin word discipulus meaning “student”. Most people believe a disciple is a follower, probably because of the religious context, but in reality it means student. A disciple is (and I’ll make up a word here) a *studier*. The word “discipline” is from the Latin word disciplina meaning “instruction and training”.