
Why is my guinea pigs poop stringy?

Why is my guinea pigs poop stringy?

The stringy poo and mucas poo show something is wrong with the gut. If the vet has ruled out blockage then bloat is probable. Normally this is treated with gut stimulants suck as emeprid or another gut atom to keep the guts moving. It may be a certain type of food is causing it something she could eat before.

What if my guinea pig has parasites?

The guinea pig may show generalised signs of illness due to the pain including lethargy, inappetance and weight loss. Treatment is usually with injectable antiparastic agents alongside pain relief. In addition, bedding will need to be thoroughly cleaned. Although not common, this mite can be transmitted to humans.

What should my guinea pigs poop look like?

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They should be rounded at both ends, smooth and plump. If the poos are very small it is often an indicator that food intake is too low. If they are tear drop in shape (ie pinched in at one end) it can be a sign of dehydration, or altered gut motility. Normal faecal colour is dark brown.

Can guinea pigs get sick from a dirty cage?

A Dirty Cage Can Be Life-Threatening to a Guinea Pig A guinea pig can become sick if it is forced to live in an unclean cage. While a guinea pig won’t directly die from a dirty cage, an unclean living environment can lead to a guinea pig having health problems.

Do guinea pigs get intestinal parasites?

Coccidiosis, which is caused by an intestinal parasite, can be seen in guinea pigs, rabbits, and ferrets. Coccidiosis can be subclinical in ferrets, or it may be associated with diarrhea, lethargy, and dehydration. Rectal prolapse is possible.

Can I deworm a guinea pig?

Guinea pigs can contract worms from cat & dog faeces, so it is essential that if your own a cat or dog that your Guinea Pig does not have access to eating it. Prevention is far better than treatment for worms, so it is best to regularly de-worm them with a treatment such as Revolution, Advocate or Profender.

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Why is my guinea pigs poop mushy?

Many guinea pigs develop diarrhea or chronic soft stools if fed a diet high in pellets. If you wish to feed pellets, choose a brand with no less than 18\% to 20\% fiber that is low in protein, calories, and fat and does not contain seeds or other items.

Why is my guinea pigs poop dry and slimy?

Small and dry poop (even immediately after coming out of their booties) could be the sign of dehydration. If you have a water bottle, make sure your guinea pigs know how to use it. You can click on the nozzle tip to show them how it works, and make sure they try it themselves before leaving them with it.

Is guinea pig poop bad for your guinea pig?

It shouldn’t be! If you are a guinea pig parent, learning about guinea pig poop is important to maintaining your guinea pig’s health. It is crucial to keeping your guinea pigs happy and healthy. Guinea pigs tend to hide their illnesses very well, so oftentimes it may go unnoticed.

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What should I do if my guinea pig is constipated?

If your guinea pig is constipated, you may observe the guinea pig is uncomfortable during pooping or is acting like he’s pooping but nothing comes out. If the problem persists more than a day, I highly recommend visiting an exotic vet who specializes in small animals, including guinea pigs as soon as you can.

What does it mean when a guinea pig has tear shaped poop?

If the poop is tear-shaped, it could be an indicator of a gut problem. Guinea pigs should be eating as much hay as their own body. The fiber found in hay is an essential part of their diet so that guinea pig’s digestive system are functioning properly.