
Who has read the most number of books?

Who has read the most number of books?

According to the index, India read the most, followed by Thailand and China. Eurostat also measured the amount of books that some countries have read in the past year in 2011.

What’s the most read book on Goodreads?

With nearly 8 million ratings, “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” is the most popular book of all time on Goodreads and has sold over 120 million copies.

How do you get big on Goodreads?

How To Use Goodreads To Dramatically Grow Your Audience

  1. USE GOODREADS AS A READER. The key to all social media is this: don’t use social media as marketing – use it as a way to connect with other people and build a relationship with them.
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How many authors are on Goodreads?

On March 28, 2013, Amazon announced its acquisition of Goodreads, and by July 23, 2013, Goodreads announced their user base had grown to 20 million members. By July 2019, the site had 90 million members.

Whats a good score on Goodreads?

Books With A Goodreads Average Rating of 4.5 and Above With At Least 50,000 Ratings. Books with a Goodreads average of 4.5 and above.

What is the most read book in the USA?

The top 10 in order of votes:

  1. 1. “ To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee.
  2. 2. “ Outlander” by Diana Gabaldon (series)
  3. 3. “ Harry Potter” by J.K. Rowling (series)
  4. 4. “ Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen.
  5. 5. “ The Lord of the Rings” by J.R.R. Tolkien (series)
  6. 6. “ Gone With the Wind” by Margaret Mitchell.
  7. 7. “
  8. 8. “

What are the most popular books to read?

Top 10 Most Read Books in The World are: The Holy Bible, Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung, Harry Potter , The Lord of The Rings, The Alchemist , The Da Vinci Code , The Night Saga, Gone with the Wind , Think and Grow Rich, and The Diary of Anne Frank (according to writer James Chapman who created a list of the most read books in the world based on

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What is the highest rated book?

With a score of 4.81, the highest rated book is Bill Watterson’s The Complete Calvin and Hobbes. Over 27,000 users have rated the book, and considerably more than 80\% of them have given it five stars. It scores just ahead of the ESV Study Bible – an English Standard Version of the Bible with evangelical commentary.

What are the most popular novels?

Here are some novels which are famous all around the world and not just in English speaking countries:-. Gulliver’s travel by Jonathan Swift. Harry Potter series by J K Rowling . Moby-Dick by Herman Melville . Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland by Lewis Carroll . The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho .

Does Goodreads cost?

No – Goodreads is a completely free book review and recommendation site, so you won’t need to pay to access the site or app, unless you’re an author who is creating a giveaway. Does Goodreads cost money?